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M. Park and Kim, M., A consumer perspective of service failure and recovery in online retailing in the U.S, Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles Spring Conference. Seoul, Korea, 2010.
M. Pullman and Wu, Z., Country Natural Beef: A Coop at Crossroad. 2010.
J. Park, Sarkis, J., and Wu, Z., Creating Integrated Business and Environmental Value within the Context of China's Circular Economy and Ecological Modernization, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 18, no. 15, pp. 1494-1501, 2010.
E. V. Poole, Li, J., and Park, J. - R., Discourse Analysis of the Question-Answering Service of the Internet Public Library, Annual Conference of Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE 2010). Boston, MA, USA, 2010.
E. V. Poole, Li, J., and Park, J. - R., Discourse Analysis of the Question-Answering Service of the Internet Public Library, Annual Conference of Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE 2010). Boston, MA, USA, 2010.
J. Becker-Blease and Paul, D., Does Inclusion in a Smaller S&P Index Create Value?, Financial Review, vol. 45, no. 2, pp. 307-330, 2010.
D. Tzabbar, Vestal, A., Porter, R., and McMahon, S., Interdependencies of formal and informal structure: Technological exploration and dispersed firms, Strategic Management Society. Rome, 2010.
D. Berger, Pukthuanthong, K., and Yang, J., International diversification with frontier markets, NTU Seminar. Taipei, 2010.
D. Berger, Yang, J., and Pukthuanthong, K., International Diversification with Frontier Markets, Financial Management Association. New York, New York, 2010.
I. Park, Cho, J., and Rao, H. R., An Investigation of A Satisfaction Formation Process in Online Shopping: An Alternative Approach, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). St. Louis, MO, 2010.
P. Frischmann, Plewa, F., and Santhanakrishnan, M., A longitudinal perspective of nonarticulation in the statement of cash flows, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, vol. 14, no. 3, p. 11, 2010.
M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., and Andras, T. Larsen, Mitigating Consumer Ethnocentrism via Advertising and Media Consumption in a Transitional Market: A Study from Russia, International Journal of Advertising, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 727-764, 2010.
M. Park and Kim, M., The study of comparisons between Korean and American consumers' online shopping experiences: Focusing on service failure and recovery, Korean Society for Clothing Industry Spring Conference. Daegu, Korea, 2010.
K. Leavitt, Mitchell, T., and Peterson, J., Theory Pruning: Strategies for Reducing our Dense Theoretical Landscape, Organizational Research Methods, vol. 13, pp. 644-667, 2010.
M. Pagell, Wu, Z., and Wasserman, M., Thinking Differently About Purchasing Portfolios: An Assessment of Sustainable Sourcing, Journal of Supply Chain Management, vol. 46, no. 1, pp. 57-73, 2010.
H. Pesch, Towards an understanding of the dynamics of fraud in organizations using an agent-based model, presented at the 2010, University of Illinois Symposium on Audit Research, 2010.
B. Marshall, Mortenson, K., Bourne, A., and Price, K., Visualizing Basic Accounting Flows: Does XBRL + Model + Animation = Understanding?, International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, vol. 10, pp. 27-54, 2010.
Z. Wu and Pagell, M., Balancing Priorities: Decision-Making in Sustainable Supply Chain Management, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 29, no. 6, pp. 577-590, Best Paper Runner up, The Jack Meredith Best Paper Award, JOM 2016., 2011.
I. Parkman and Malkewitz, K., Content and Context: Product Design Briefs, Knowledge- based Assets, and Firm Performance, Product Development Management Association Global Conference on Product Innovation Management. 2011.
I. Parkman and Malkewitz, K., Content and Context: Product Design Briefs, Knowledge- based Assets, and Firm Performance, presented at the 2011, 2011.
E. Pedersen and Burns, L., Curriculum integration across fashion-related curricula, International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 43-50, 2011.
T. Khoury and Peng, M., Does institutional reform of intellectual property rights lead to more inbound FDI in developing countries?, Journal of World Business, 2011.
T. Moss, Short, J., Payne, G., and Lumpkin, G., Dual identities in social ventures: An exploratory study, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, vol. 35, no. 4, 2011.
P. I. Leiva, Howes, S., and Pritchard, R. D., An empirical test of an innovation implementation model, The Psychologist-Manager Journal, vol. 14, pp. 265-281, 2011.
M. Pullman and Wu, Z., Food Supply Chain: Economic, Social and Environmental Perspectives. New York: Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-88589-8. 2011.
J. Cho, Park, I., and Michel, J., How Does Leadership Affect Information Systems Success? A Role of Transformational Leadership, Information & Management, vol. 48, no. 7, pp. 270-277, 2011.
D. Berger, Pukthuanthong, K., and Yang, J., International diversification with frontier markets, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 227-242, 2011.
P. D. Harms, Paterson, T., and Wood, D., Is it Normal to Lead? Personality, Prototypes, and Leader Emergence, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago, IL, 2011.
S. Lee and Paik, H., Korean Household Waste Management and Recycling Behavior, Building and Environment, no. 46, pp. 1159-1166, 2011.
L. Penaloza and Barnhart, M., Living U.S. Capitalism: The Normalization of Credit/Debt, Journal of Consumer Research, vol. 38, no. 4, pp. 743-762, 2011.
J. Cho and Park, I., A Multi-Level Study of Charismatic Leadership, Identification, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors: A Multifocal Approach, Academy of Management (AOM). San Antonio, TX, 2011.
T. Moss, Broberg, C., Payne, G., and Short, J., Organizational virtue orientation and family firms, Business Ethics Quarterly, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 257-285, 2011.
J. F. Rocereto, Puzakova, M., Anderson, R. E., and Kwak, H., The Role of Response Formats on Extreme Response Style: A Case of Likert-Type vs. Semantic Differential Scales, Advances in International Marketing, vol. 22, pp. 53-71, 2011.
T. Khoury and Pleggenkuhle-Miles, E., Shared inventions and the evolution of capabilities: Examining the biotechnology industry, Research Policy, vol. 40, no. 7, pp. 943-956, 2011.
T. Paterson and A Bass, E., Taking Management Research to (and Between) the Next Level: A Meso-Paradigm Research Agenda, Academy of Management. San Antonio, TX, 2011.
J. Park, Wu, Z., and Sroufe, R., Toward a New Asian Business and Management Model of Social and Environmental Value Creation (Special Issue Editor), Asian Business and Management, vol. 10, pp. 327-329, 2011.
J. Mower and Pedersen, E., Women's consumption of apparel during World War II: Preliminary findings, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA, 2011.
G. Reeves-DeArmond and Pedersen, E., Applied learning in a cross- cultural dress and textiles course: The development and assessment of a product development project, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawaii, 2012.
G. Reeves-DeArmond and Pedersen, E., Applied learning in a cross-cultural dress and textiles course: The development and assessment of a product development project, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI, 2012.
P. Patanakul, Chen, J., and Lynn, G., Autonomous Teams and New Product Development, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 29, no. 5, pp. 734-750, 2012.
J. Mower and Pedersen, E., College women: Apparel consumption during World War II, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI, 2012.
R. Zhang and Pedersen, E., Concept analysis of purchase intention, International Textiles and Apparel Association. Honolulu, HI, 2012.
G. Polites, Roberts, N., and Thatcher, J., Conceptualizing Models Using Multidimensional Constructs: A Review and Guidelines for their Use, 2012.
I. Park, Cho, J., and Rao, H. R., The Effect of Pre- and Post-Service Encounter Performance on Consumer Evaluation of Online Retailors, Decision Support Systems, vol. 52, no. 2, pp. 415-426, 2012.
T. Paterson, Specht, D., and Duchon, D., It Touches Everything: The Role of Religion in Family Business, Midwest Academy of Management. Chicago, IL, 2012.
E. Pedersen, ITAA Graduate Student Poolside Chat, National Meeting of the International Textile and Apparel Association. Honolulu, HI, 2012.
D. Berger and Pukthuanthong, K., Market fragility and international market crashes, Journal of Financial Economics, vol. 105, no. 3, pp. 565-580, 2012.
T. Paterson, Harms, P. D., and Credé, M., The Meta of All Metas: 30 Years of Meta-Analysis Reviewed, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. San Diego, CA, 2012.
