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A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence, Austin Polish Film Festival. Austin, TX, 2010.
A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence, Bend Film Festival. Bend, OR, 2010.
A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence, DaVinci Film Festival. Corvallis, OR, 2010.
A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence. Chicago, IL, 2010.
A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence. Beaverton, OR, 2010.
A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence. Austin, TX, 2010.
A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence. Chicago, IL, 2010.
A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence. Los Angeles, CA, 2010.
A. Marks, Documentary: Freedom on the Fence. Maine at SPACE Gallery, 2010.
B. Marshall, Curry, M., and Reitsma, R., Does Using CobiT Improve IT Solution Proposals?, in AAA Annual Meeting, IS Section, 2010.
W. S. Weyrauch, Howes, S., Mills, M. J., and Fullagar, C. J., Engaging the engagers: Implications for the improvement of extension work design, Journal of Extension, vol. 43, no. 3, p. Article 3FEA5, 2010.
T. Khoury, Mathew, P., and Hibara, N., Entrepreneurial Foresight and the Endogenous Choice of Market Intermediaries in Japanese IPOs, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada, 2010.
D. R. Hekman, Aquino, K., Owens, B., Mitchell, T. R., Schilpzand, P., and Leavitt, K., An examination of whether and how racial and gender biases influence customer satisfaction ratings., Academy of Management Journal, vol. 53, pp. 238-264., 2010.
J. Mower, Childs, M., and Kim, M., Exterior retail atmospherics, mood and behavioral intentions, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. Montreal, Canada, 2010.
S. Howes, Fullagar, C. J., and Mills, M. J., Feeling good and doing great: The relationship between psychological capital and well-being, Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, vol. 15, pp. 421-433, 2010.
B. Zhu, Luo, X., Ma, J., and Chau, M., Finding Treasures in Your Trash, Joint Conference of eServices and Business Intelligence. Chengdu, China, 2010.
B. Zhu, Luo, X., Ma, J., and Chau, M., Finding Treasures in Your Trash,, in Proceedings of Joint Conference of eServices and Business Intelligence, Chengdu, China, June 4th-6th, 2010, 2010.
K. Malkewitz and Orth, U., Formation of consumer price expectation based on package design: attractive and quality routes, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 2010.
U. Orth, Campana, D., and Malkewitz, K., Formation of Consumer Price Expectation Based on Package Design: Attractive and Quality Routes, 2010.
K. Malkewitz and Orth, U., Formation of consumer price expectation based on package design: attractive and quality routes, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 2010.
A. Marks, Freedom of the Fence. Ney York, NY, 2010.
A. Marks, Freedom on the Fence. 2010.
U. Orth, Malkewitz, K., and Bee, C., Gender and Personality Drivers of Consumer Mixed Emotional Responses to Advertising, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 69-80, 2010.
U. Orth, Malkewitz, K., and Bee, C., Gender and Personality Drivers of Consumer Mixed Emotional Response to Advertising, 2010.
U. Orth, Malkewitz, K., and Bee, C., Gender and Personality Drivers of Consumer Mixed Emotional Responses to Advertising, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 69-80, 2010.
R. Floyd, Maynard, J., McGaughey, T., and Houston, L., General Factor Loadings and Specific Effects of the Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition Composites, Me According To Others: A New Perspective On Self-Presentations And The Socialization Of Racial Minorities. Chicago, IL, 2010.
R. Floyd, Maynard, J., McGaughey, T., and Houston, L., General Factor Loadings and Specific Effects of the Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition Composites, Me According To Others: A New Perspective On Self-Presentations And The Socialization Of Racial Minorities. Chicago, IL, 2010.
M. Swift, Balkin, D. B., and Matusik, S., Goal Orientations and the Motivation to Share Knowledge, Journal of Knowledge Management, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 378-393, 2010.
K. Malkewitz, The influence of program context intensity: An examination of television advertising during war news, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 2010.
K. Malkewitz, The influence of program context intensity: An examination of television advertising during war news, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, 2010.
D. Aiken and Malkewitz, K., The Influence of Program Context Intensity: An Examination of Television Advertising During War News, 2010.
T. Khoury, Junkunc, M., and Mingo, S., Institutional Conditions and venture capital investment in developing countries, INFORMS. Austin, TX, 2010.
T. Khoury, Junkunc, M., and Mingo, S., Institutional conditions and venture capital investment in developing countries, Invited talk at University of Miami School of Business. Miami, Florida, 2010.
D. Tzabbar, Vestal, A., Porter, R., and McMahon, S., Interdependencies of formal and informal structure: Technological exploration and dispersed firms, Strategic Management Society. Rome, 2010.
A. Stokes and Murray, J. B., An Interpretive Inquiry into the Consumption of Fashion: A Microsociological Perspective, 2010 Consumer Culture Theory Conference Proceedings. Madison, WI, 2010.
B. Marshall, Curry, M., and Reitsma, R., IT Governance Norms and IT Success, in 2nd annual Pre‐ICIS Workshop on Accounting Information Systems, December 2010, Saint Louis, MO, U.S.A., 2010.
A. Marks, Orange and Black Everything, OSU Department of Art Exhibit. Portland, OR, 2010.
A. Marks, Photographs. 2010.
A. Marks, Published book. Oregon State University, 2010.
D. Ribbink, Haywood-Farmer, J., and Melhuish, J., Sunset Grill at Blue. London, ON, 2010.
K. Leavitt, Mitchell, T., and Peterson, J., Theory Pruning: Strategies for Reducing our Dense Theoretical Landscape, Organizational Research Methods, vol. 13, pp. 644-667, 2010.
A. Marks, University Restructuring: A Fertile Ground for Cross-Disciplinary Collaboration, Design Educators Conference. Raleigh, North Carolina, 2010.
A. Marks, Untitled, DaVinci Film Festival. Corvallis, OR, 2010.
B. Marshall, Mortenson, K., Bourne, A., and Price, K., Visualizing Basic Accounting Flows: Does XBRL + Model + Animation = Understanding?, International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, vol. 10, pp. 27-54, 2010.
B. Marshall, Mortenson, K., Bourne, A., and Price, K., Visualizing Basic Accounting Flows: Does XBRL + Model + Animation = Understanding?, International Journal of Digital Accounting Research, vol. 10, pp. 27-54, 2010.
A. Marks, Writing for Visual Thinkers Workshop. Chicago, IL, 2010.
