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M. Barnhart and Huff, A., Assembling Safety in an Armed America, Speaker Series. Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
J. Beatty, IV, O. Holmes, Atewologun, D., Baldridge, D., Blancero, D., King, E., Kravitz, D., McKay, P., Ng, E., Nishi, L., Ragins, B., and Wood, G., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
J. Beatty, IV, O. Holmes, Atewologun, D., Baldridge, D., Blancero, D., King, E., Kravitz, D., McKay, P., Ng, E., Nishi, L., Ragins, B., and Wood, G., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
J. Beatty, IV, O. Holmes, Atewologun, D., Baldridge, D., Blancero, D., King, E., Kravitz, D., McKay, P., Ng, E., Nishi, L., Ragins, B., and Wood, G., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
D. Creed, Karam, C., Baldridge, D., AbelNour, S., Hudson, B., and Henry, E., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., Career Adaptation and Success after Adult Onset Hearing Loss, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
D. Baldridge, Career Success After Hearing Loss, HLAA Webinar. Webinar, 2017.
D. Baldridge, Konrad, A., Moore, M., and Yang, Y., Childhood-onset disability, strong ties and employment quality, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 2017.
A. Huff, Barnhart, M., McAlexander, B., and McAlexander, J., Consumers' Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, in Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, CA, 2017, vol. 45, pp. 675-676.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., McAlexander, J., and McAlexander, B., Consumers’ Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, Association for Consumer Research Conference 2017. San Diego, CA, 2017.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., McAlexander, J., and McAlexander, B., Consumers’ Assemblages of Fear and Safety with Firearms: Obstacles to Addressing Gun Violence in an Armed America, Consumer Culture Theory Conference 2017. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
S. Bina, Graue, W., Jones, D., Kaskela, T., and Walden, E., Discovery of the Optimal Visualization for Representing Three Dimensions of Data Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, 2017.
J. Bierstaker, Downey, D., Rose, J., and Thibodeau, J., Does Reading a Story or Checklist Result in Superior Knowledge Structure Development? Implications for Judgment and Decision Making, Journal of Information Systems, 2017.
H. - L. Chen, Baker, L., and Cluver, B., The Effect of Textiles on Clothing Physiological Comfort While Backpacking in the Cold, Journal of Textile Engineering and Fashion Technology, vol. 2, no. 1, 2017.
M. Montoya, Bala, H., and Massey, A. P., The effects of process orientations on collaboration technology use and outcomes in product development, Journal of Management Information Systems, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 520-559, 2017.
D. Baldridge, Enabling Inclusion: People With Disabilities Enriching the Workforce.. DamonBrooks, 2017.
I. Scott, Baker, S., Craig, R. Kundis, Dernbach, J., Hirokawa, K., Krakoff, S., Owley, J., Powers, M., Roesler, S., Rosenbloom, J., Ruhl, J. B., Salzman, J., and Takacs, D., Energy Policy: No Place for Zero-Sum Thinking, Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 10328-10351, 2017.
D. Baldridge, Hearing Loss and Career Success: Refining Yourself, Your Career, and Your Social Network, 2017.
M. Barnhart and Mish, J., Hippies, Hummer Owners, and People Like Me: Stereotyping as a Means of Reconciling Ethical Consumption Values with the DSP, Journal of Macromarketing, vol. 37, no. 1, 2017.
M. Bolino and Klotz, A., How to motivate employees to go beyond their jobs. 2017.
A. Brzykey, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., I-deals, Work Ability and Turnover Intention: Toward Greater Understanding of Disability Type, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
A. Brzykey, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., I-deals, Work Ability and Turnover Intention: Toward Greater Understanding of Disability Type, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
A. Brzykey, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., I-deals, Work Ability and Turnover Intention: Toward Greater Understanding of Disability Type, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
A. Brzykcy, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., Idiosyncratic Deals, Workability and Turnover Intentions: Understanding Disability Type Influence, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
A. Brzykcy, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., Idiosyncratic Deals, Workability and Turnover Intentions: Understanding Disability Type Influence, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
A. Brzykcy, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., Idiosyncratic Deals, Workability and Turnover Intentions: Understanding Disability Type Influence, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
M. Belkhir, Brouard, M., Brunk, K. H., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M. Christina, Figueiredo, B., Huff, A., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A., Isolation in Emerging Fields: The Case of Entrant Actors in an Emerging Academic Field, Consumer Culture Theory 2017. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
M. Belkhir, Brouard, M., Brunk, K. H., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M. Christina, Figueiredo, B., Huff, A., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A., Isolation in Emerging Fields: The Case of Entrant Actors in an Emerging Academic Field, Consumer Culture Theory 2017. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
M. Belkhir, Brouard, M., Brunk, K. H., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M. Christina, Figueiredo, B., Huff, A., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A., Isolation in Emerging Fields: The Case of Entrant Actors in an Emerging Academic Field, Consumer Culture Theory 2017. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
I. Scott, Sulkowski, A., Bagley, C., Nelson, J. S., Shrivastava, P., and Waddock, S., Law, Management, and Strategy: Collapsing Boundaries and Managing the Interstices, Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
S. Biswas and Akroyd, C., Management Control in a Rapidly Growing Family Business, Global Accounting & Organizational Change Network Conference. Melbourne, Australia, 2017.
J. Kalodimos, Bhandari, T., and Iliev, P., Progress in Understanding Proxy Access and the Shareholder Proposal Process. 2017.
I. Scott and Brown, E., Redefining and Regulating the New Sharing Economy, University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law, vol. 19, pp. 553-751, 2017.
I. Scott and Berger-Walliser, G., Redefining Corporate Social Responsibility in an Era of Globalization and Regulatory Hardening, Annual Conference. Savannah, GA, 2017.
I. Scott and Berger-Walliser, G., Redesigning Corporate Social Responsibility in an Era of Legalization, PNWALSB-CALSB Joint Meeting. Vancouver, BC, 2017.
J. Hardy and M. Buckley, R., Revisiting realistic recruitment: Developing a computational model of expectations-perceptions discrepancies, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 32st Annual Conference. Orlando, FL, 2017.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., The Shaping of Sustainable Careers Post Hearing Loss, Human Relations, 2017.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., THE SHAPING OF SUSTAINABLE CAREERS POST HEARING LOSS, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
J. Blouin, Gibbons, B., Wang, C., and Wellman, L., "Through Thick and Thin: Political Risk and the Interdependencies between MNCs and Host Countries", University of Chicago, Global Issues in Accounting Conference. 2017.
C. Durban, Baldridge, D., Houston, L., and Yang, L. - Q., Withheld Disability Accommodation requests, perceived integration, and desire to stay, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
C. Durban, Baldridge, D., Houston, L., and Yang, L. - Q., Withheld Disability Accommodation Requests, Perceived Integration and Desire to Stay, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
A. Bourne, (3.04 Best Practices for Teaching Introductory Courses, AAA National Meeting. New York City, 2016.
A. Klotz and Bolino, M. C., 7 ways people quit their jobs. 2016.
J. Sanchez-Burks, Bartel, C., Rees, L., and Huy, Q., Assessing collective affect recognition via the Emotional Aperture Measure, Cognition and Emotion, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 117-133, 2016.
L. Burns, Mullet, K., and Bryant, N., Business of Fashion, no. 5. New York: , 2016.
L. Burns, Mullet, K., and Bryant, N., Business of Fashion, no. 5. New York: , 2016.
A. Rumpakis, Bee, C., and Lee, J., Collegiate Athletic Rebranding: Transforming the Visual Identity of Oregon State University, Journal of School Public Relations, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 249-274, 2016.
P. Frischmann and Barrick, J., Corporate taxes and lobbying: Getting a seat at the table., 6th European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management Conference on Current Research in Taxation. Bonn, Germany, 2016.
P. Frischmann and Barrick, J., Corporate taxes and lobbying: Getting a seat at the table., 2016 Western Regional Meeting of the American Accounting Association. Seattle, WA, 2016.
M. Swift and Baldridge, D., Disability Accommodation and Equal Career Advancement Opportunities, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
