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W. Hung, Lin, C. - T., and Yang, J., Aggregate 52-week high, limited attention, and time-varying momentum profits, Research Seminar. Victoria, Canada, 2022.
W. Hung, Lin, C. - T., and Yang, J., Aggregate 52-week high, limited attention, and time-varying momentum profits, Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 141, p. 106531, 2022.
J. Elston, Chinese Capital Structure: Theory and Evidence, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Finance. Chicago Il, 2022.
J. Elston, Chinese Capital Structure: Theory and Evidence, 35th Annual meeting of the Academy of Finance. Chicago, 2022.
Y. Fang, Yuan, J., Yang, J., and Ying, S., Crash-Based Quantitative Trading Strategies: Perspective of Behavioral Finance, Finance Research Letters, vol. 45, p. 102185, 2022.
J. - C. Hung, Liu, H. - C., and Yang, J., Does the tail risk index matter in forecasting downside risk?, International Journal of Finance and Economics, pp. 1-16, 2022.
J. Elston and Weidinger, A. Konrad, An Empirical Examination of Firm Growth in the MENA Region: Through the Lens of Gibrat's Law, Small Business Economics, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 121-131, 2022.
J. Elston, Myths from Silicon Valley -Is Tech difference than Detroit?, Recharging Austro-American Relations. Vienna, Austria., 2022.
J. Elston, What Does Sustainable Growth look in the Technology Sector?, EUBA Conference “Sustainable Business Development Perspectives in 2022. Slovakia, 2022.
