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C. Brown and Coakley, J., Financial neural Network applications: 1998-1999 update, New Review of Applied Expert Systems and Emerging Technologies, vol. 7, pp. 167-182, 2001.
J. Coakley and Tyran, C. K., A Framework for Controlling Cheating in IS Education, Proceedings of International Conference on Informatics Education & Research. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2001.
J. Li, Chen, G., and Liu, D., Influence and conditional influence -- New interestingness measures in association rule mining, IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2001). Melbourne, Australia, 2001.
V. T. Raja, A Lagrangian Heuristic for Network Design, College of Business Research Seminar Series. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
B. Zhu and Chen, H., Social Visualization for Computer-Mediated Communication: A Knowledge Management Perspective, Eleventh Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems. 2001.
J. Coakley and Gobeli, D., Using IT to add value: Innovation versus Efficiency, Portland Chapter of the Society for Information Management. Portland, OR, 2001.
B. Zhu, Visualizing Computer-Mediated Communication Process. Bloomington, IN, 2001.
B. Zhu, Visualizing Computer-Mediated Communication Process. Rochester, NY, 2001.
B. Zhu, Visualizing Computer-Mediated Communication Process. Colorado Springs, CO, 2001.
J. Coakley and Brown, C., Artificial Neural Networks in Accounting and Finance: Modeling Issues, International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting Finance and Management, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 119-144, 2000.
P. Swanson, Business Application Development, Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC). Albany, OR, 2000.
B. Zhu, Ramsey, M., and Chen, H., Creating a Large-Scale Content-Based Air Photo Image Digital Library, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 163-167, 2000.
C. K. Tyran and Coakley, J., The E-Commerce Course Project: Creating Educational Linkages with the Value Chain, Journal of Informatics Education and Research, vol. 2, no. 2, pp. 59-70, 2000.
C. Brown and Coakley, J., Financial Neural Network Applications: 1998-1999, Ninth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. Philadelphia, PA, USA, 2000.
D. Sullivan, Inventing the 'Treebook': A Workbook with Pages Linked in a Tree, ISECON Conference Proceedings. 2000.
M. Lightner, Carlson, D., Sullivan, J., Brandemuehl, M., and Reitsma, R., A Living Laboratory, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 88, pp. 31-40, 2000.
R. Tanner, Personal Action and Ethical Behavior: Responsibilities and Practices., Oregon State University College of Business; Finance Course Guest lecturer. Corvallis, OR, 2000.
R. Tanner, Presentation:Freshmen students in the College of Business: Coursework and Outcome-based Education, Oregon State University College of Business; MIS Curriculum Advisory Council. Portland, Oregon, 2000.
V. T. Raja, Untitled. 2000.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., Using GRASP to solve the Capacitated Concentrator Location Problem, Decision Sciences Institute National Meeting. Orlando, Florida, 2000.
B. Zhu and Chen, H., Validating a Geographical Image Retrieval System, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 51, no. 7, pp. 625-634, 2000.
I. Zigurs, Reitsma, R., Lewis, C., Hubscher, R., and Hayes, C., Accessibility of Computer-based Simulation Models in Inherently Conflict-Laden Negotiations, Group Decision and Negotiation, vol. 8, pp. 511-533, 1999.
M. Ramsey, Chen, H., and Zhu, B., A Collection of Visual Thesauri for Browsing Large Collections of Geographic Images, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 50, no. 9, pp. 826-835, 1999.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., A Comparison of Two Modern Heuristics for Designing Local Access Networks, INFORMS National Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1999.
B. Zhu, Ramsey, M., Chen, H., Hauck, R. V., Ng, T. D., and Schatz, B., Creating a Large Scale Digital Library for Geo-Referenced Information, Digital Library‘99, the 4th ACM Conference on Digital Libraries. 1999.
C. Brown and Coakley, J., Financial Neural Network Applications: Brief Literature Review and Extensive Bibliography, Eighth Annual Research Workshop on: Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Accounting, Auditing and Tax. San Diego, CA, USA, 1999.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., The State of the Art of Network Design and Management, Decision Sciences Institute National Meeting. New Orleans, 1999.
B. Zhu, Ramsey, M., Chen, H., Hauck, R. V., Ng, T. D., and Schatz, B., Support Concept-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval: A Knowledge Management Approach, ICIS’99, 20th Annual International Conference on Information Systems. 1999.
J. Coakley and Tyran, C. K., The WWW and Computer Skills Training: Key Issues for Design and Implementation, Proceedings of the International Academy for Information Management. 1999.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., An AI-based Heuristic for solving a Generalized Concentrator Location Problem, INFORMS National Meeting. Seattle, WA, 1998.
D. Sullivan, Nielson, N., and Brown, C., Computer-Mediated Peer Review of Student Papers, The Journal of Education for Business, vol. 74, no. 2, pp. 117-121, 1998.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., An Efficient Heuristic for Solving a Generalized Concentrator Location Problem, INFORMS National Meeting. Seattle, WA, 1998.
V. T. Raja and Han, B. T., A Neural-Net Gaussian Machine for Optimal Local Access Network Design, Association for Information Systems, Americas Conference. Baltimore, Maryland, 1998.
V. T. Raja and Kumar, A., Student Perceptions of Electronic Classrooms, Midwest Business Administration Conference. Chicago, Illinois, 1998.
V. T. Raja, Untitled. 1998.
J. Coakley, Drexler, J. A., Kircher, A. E., and Larson, E. W., Using a Computer Based Version of The Beer Game - Lessons Learned,", Journal of Management Education, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 416-424, 1998.
E. Larson, Coakley, J., and Drexler, J., Using a Computer-Based Version of the Beer Game, Journal of Management Education, 1998.
