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J. Mower, "Developing "mannish" model stocks: Merchandising strategies for apparel retailers during the early 1940s.". 2019.
K. Mullet, Development and Comparison of PS 42-70 Complex and Simplified Grading Systems, Fit Symposium. Clemson, SC, 2000.
K. Mullet and Tung, T., Design Criteria of Type IV Body armor for Women, ITAA 2009 Annual Meeting. Bellevue, WA, 2010.
K. Mullet, Diversity in Classroom, Faculty Development Brown Bag series. 2001.
K. Mullet, Design of High Tech Sportswear: which is more important the function or the fashion?, Seoul: Proceedings of the Yonsei 125th Anniversary International Symposium. 2010.
K. Mullet and Jin, H. Jae, The Development of the Young Male Tennis Clothing Prototype, 2012 ITAA Proceedings #69 Annual Conference. Honolulu, HI, USA, 2012.
K. Mullet and MacDonald, N., Developing Retail Liaisons at the ITAA Level to Profit Students, Academic Programs and Retailers, ITAA Special Topic Presentations. Portland, OR, 2005.
K. Mullet, Design of High Tech Sportswear: which is more important the function or the fashion?, Yonsei 125th Anniversary International Symposium. 2011.
K. Mullet and Parsons, J., Defining Design Research, ITAA Special Topic Presentations. San Antonio, TX, 2006.
K. Mullet, Draping Project: a Bed Sheet, 1995 ITAA Annual meeting. Pasadena, CA, 1995.
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C. Murnieks, Drawn to the Fire: The Role of Passion in New Venture Investing, COB Brown Bag. United States, 2015.
C. Murnieks, Cardon, M. S., Sudek, R., White, D., and Brooks, W., Drawn to the Fire: The role of passion, tenacity and inspirational leadership in angel investing, Journal of Business Venturing, vol. 31, pp. 468-484, 2016.
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D. Pan, J. Zhao, L., Fan, S., and Zhang, Z., Dividend or No Dividend in Delegated Blockchain Governance: A Game Theoretic Analysis, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, pp. 1-19, 2021.
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I. Park, Cho, J., and Rao, H. R., The Dynamics of Pre- and Post-Purchase Service and Consumer Evaluation of Online Retailers: A Comparative Analysis of Dissonance and Disconfirmation Models, Decision Sciences, vol. 46, no. 6, pp. 1109-1140, 2015.
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E. Pedersen, Designers: Historic Views, National Meeting of the International Textiles and Apparel Association. Banff, Alberta, Canada, 1996.
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M. Read, Designing with Color in the Early Childhood Education Classroom: A Theoretical Perspective, Creative Education, no. 10, 2019.
G. Reeves-DeArmond and Mower, J., Display case exhibit: Sentimental recycling of dress - What my mother wore, Completed as component of DHE 399: Dress, Museums, and Popular Culture course. Milam Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 2013.
G. Reeves-DeArmond and Mower, J., The development of a “sentimental value” unit within a popular culture of dress undergraduate course, Popular Culture Assocation National Conference. Chicago, Illinois, 2014.
G. Reeves-DeArmond and Mower, J., Draped in heritage - Traditional and contemporary Middle Eastern dress and textiles, SDHE Historic Textiles and Apparel Collection Display Case Exhibit. Milam Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 2012.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Developing theoretical thinking skills in dress scholarship: An exercise in relational statement identification and analysis, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2013.
N. Roberts and Kim, I., Digital Platform Life Cycles in Nascent Markets, Front Range Information Systems Research Seminar. 2019.
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F. Shadbad and Biros, D., Developing an Unintentional Information Security Misbehavior Scale (UISMS), in Proceeding of Midwest Association for Information Systems, 2019.
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S. Song and Kim, M., Does Bigger and More Mean Better?: An Examination of Product Presentation Mix for Handbags in Online Shopping, AMA/ACRA Triennial Retail Conference. Seattle, Washington, 2012.
