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H. Pesch, The Impact of internal controls on fraud norms, in American Accounting Association Annual Meetings, Chicago, IL, 2015.
T. Nguyen, Fahey, C., Olstad, S., and Olstad, A., Impact of Pharmacy Student Involvement in Medical Reconciliation on Samaritan Health Services Outpatient Clinics, ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2015.
M. Curry, Marshall, B., and Kawalek, P., Improving IT Assessment with IT Artifact Affordance Perception Priming, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, vol. 19, pp. 17-28, 2015.
P. Steel, Kammeyer-Mueller, J., and Paterson, T., Improving the Meta-analytic Assessment of Effect Size Variance with an Informed Bayesian Prior., Journal of Management, 2015.
I. Scott, Incentive Regulation, Business Models, and the Transformation of the Electric Power Industry, Colloquium on Environmental Scholarship. South Royalton, VT, 2015.
S. Lee, Kim, E. Young, and Platosh, P., Indoor Wayfinding using Interactive Map, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 75-80, 2015.
A. T. Jackson, Howes, S., Kausel, E. E., and Young, M. E., The influence of goal orientation on exploration versus exploitation choices, Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada, 2015.
A. T. Jackson, Howes, S., Kausel, E. E., and Young, M. E., The influence of goal orientation on exploration versus exploitation choices, Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada, 2015.
J. LaValley, Fullagar, C., and Howes, S., The influence of organizational context on implicit leadership theories, Annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Philadelphia, PA, 2015.
A. Erez, Schilpzand, P., Leavitt, K., Woolum, A., and Judge, T., Inherently Relational: Interactions Between Peers' and Individuals' Personalities Impact Reward Giving and Appraisal of Individual Performance, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 58, no. 6, pp. 1761-1784, 2015.
J. Chen and Adamson, C., Innovation: Integration of Random Variation and Creative Synthesis, Academy of Management Review, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 461-464, 2015.
J. Liu, Chen, J., and Tao, Y., Innovation Performance in New Product Development Teams in China's Emerging Market: The Role of Behavioral Integration Dimensions and Collective Efficacy, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 29–44, 2015.
T. Paterson and Tuggle, C., The Institutional Logics of Rigor and Relevance: A Historical Analysis, Western Academy of Management. Kauai, HI, 2015.
A. I. Huffcutt, Howes, S., and Goebl, A. P., The interactive influence of ambition and sociability on performance in a behavior description interview, Personnel Assessment and Decisions, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 30-36, 2015.
R. Garrett and Covin, J. G., Internal Corporate Venture Operations Independence and Performance: A Knowledge-Based Perspective, Entrepreneurship, Theory and Practice, p. Forthcoming, 2015.
J. Kalodimos, Internal Governance and Performance: Evidence From When External Discipline is Weak, Seminar Series. San Diego State University, 2015.
C. Fahey, Nguyen, T., Olstad, S., and Olstad, A., Involvement of Pharmacy in Admission and Discharge Medication Review to Improve Patient Outcomes in an Inpatient Setting, ASHP Midyear Clinical Meeting. New Orleans, LA, 2015.
J. Joireman, Smith, D., Liu, R., and Arthurs, J., It's All Good: Corporate Social Responsibility Promotes Positive Responses to Service Failures among Value-Aligned Customers, Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 32-49, 2015.
R. Gary, Moore, J., Sisneros, C., and Terando, W., The Impact of Tax Rate Changes on Intercorporate Investment, Advances in Accounting, vol. 34, 2016.
N. Roberts and Dinger, M., The Impact of Virtual Customer Community Interactivity on Organizational Innovation: An Absorptive Capacity Perspective, 2016.
M. Bolino, Klotz, A., and Turnley, B., The implications of turning down an expatriate assignment: A psychological contracts perspective, International Journal of Human Resource Management, vol. 28, no. 13, pp. 1816-1841, 2016.
M. J. Mills, Fullagar, C., Howes, S., and Tortez, L., Improving understanding of the workload-wellbeing relation among state employees, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
I. Scott, Incentive Regulation, New Business Models, and the Transformation of the Electric Power Industry, Michigan Journal of Environmental and Administrative Law, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 319-370, 2016.
P. Schilpzand, Leavitt, K., and Lim, S., Incivility hates company: Shared Incivility Attenuates Rumination, Stress, and Psychological Withdrawal by Reducing Self-blame, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 133, pp. 33-44, 2016.
J. Hardy, Day, E. A., and Steele, L. M., Incremental validity of exploratory behavior in complex task learning, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 31st Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
C. Akroyd, Horii, S., and Sawabe, N., The Influence of Budgeting on Product Innovation, British Accounting and Finance Association Annual Conference. Bath, UK, 2016.
S. He and Chemmanur, T. J., Institutional Trading, Information Production, and Corporate Spin-offs, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 38, 2016.
S. Howes, Huffcutt, A. I., and Goebl, A., The interactive influence of ambition and sociability on performance in a behavior description interview, Annual meeting of the Western Academy of Management. Portland, OR, 2016.
J. Elston, Internationalization and Regional Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence on the Formation of New Ventures in China, International Workshop on Entrepreneurship in China. China, 2016.
J. Elston and Weidinger, A., Internationalization and Regional Entrepreneurship: Empirical Evidence on the Formation of New Ventures in China, 33rd Annual International Business Research Conference. Dubai, 2016.
J. Elston, Internationalization, Geographic Location and Entrepreneurial Intention, Academy of International Business Annual onference. New Orleans, LA, 2016.
A. Weidinger, Internationalization, Geographic Location and Entrepreneurial Intention. McMinnville, OR, 2016.
A. Weidinger, Internationalization, Geographic Location and Entrepreneurial Intention, Academy of International Business (AIB) Conference. New Orleans, LA, 2016.
J. Hardy, Day, E. A., and Steele, L. M., Interrelationships among self-regulatory processes and performance in complex task learning, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 31st Annual Conference. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
A. Joshi, Humphrey, S., Houston, L., and Dwivedi, P., An Issue-selling Perspective on Women's Leadership in Male-dominated Contexts, Academy of Management (AOM). Anaheim, CA, 2016.
M. Hall and Hyodo, J., I Thought People Would Be Stoked on Me’: The Effect of Received Attention on Purchase Satisfaction, Society for Consumer Psychology. Dallas, Texas, 2017.
A. Brzykey, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., I-deals, Work Ability and Turnover Intention: Toward Greater Understanding of Disability Type, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
A. Brzykcy, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., Idiosyncratic Deals, Workability and Turnover Intentions: Understanding Disability Type Influence, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
J. Arthurs, Cho, S. Yul, Choi, Y., Hemmatian, I., and Joshi, A., The Impact of Bankruptcy on Competitors: How Technology Overlap and Diversification Affect Value Redistribution., AOM 2017 Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA, 2017.
J. Arthurs, Cho, S. Yul, Choi, Y., Hemmatian, I., and Joshi, A., Impact of Bankruptcy on Rivals: How Tech Overlap and Diversification Affects Value Redistribution, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2017.
A. T. Jackson, Howes, S., Kausel, E. E., and Young, M. E., The impact of escalation decisions on investments, anger, and confidence over time, 18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Dublin, Ireland, 2017.
G. Lu and Shang, G., Impact of Supply Base Structural Complexity on Financial Performance: Roles of Visible and Not-so-visible Characteristics, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 53, pp. 23-44, 2017.
I. Scott, Implicit Bias and Higher Education. Corvallis, OR, 2017.
A. I. Huffcutt, Howes, S., Goebl, A. P., and Toidze, I., The Influence of Cognitive Ability on Interviewee Performance in Traditional versus Relaxed Behavior Description Interview Formats, European Management Journal, vol. 35, pp. 383-387, 2017.
J. Kalodimos, Internal Governance and Performance: Evidence From When External Discipline is Weak, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 43, pp. 193-216, 2017.
S. Fan, Xiao, J. I., Xie, K., and J. Zhao, L., Introduction to the special issue of ECR on E-business innovation with big data, Electronic Commerce Research, 2017.
M. Belkhir, Brouard, M., Brunk, K. H., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M. Christina, Figueiredo, B., Huff, A., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A., Isolation in Emerging Fields: The Case of Entrant Actors in an Emerging Academic Field, Consumer Culture Theory 2017. Anaheim, CA, 2017.
