TitleVisualizing Aggregated Biological Pathway Relations
Publication TypeConference Papers
Year of Publication2005
AuthorsMarshall, B, Quiñones, K, Su, H, Eggers, S, Chen, H
Conference NameProceedings of the 2005 Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2005), June 7-11, 2005 , Denver, CO
Date Published2005
KeywordsAccounting, BIS

The Genescene development team has constructed an aggregation interface for automatically-extracted biomedical pathway
relations that is intended to help researchers identify and process relevant information from the vast digital library of abstracts found in the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed collection.
Users view extracted relations at various levels of relational granularity in an interactive and visual node-link interface. Anecdotal feedback reported here suggests that this multigranular visual paradigm aligns well with various research tasks,
helping users find relevant articles and discover new information.

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