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C. R. Wanberg, Csillag, B., and Duffy, M. K., After the breakup: How divorcing affects individuals at work, Personnel Psychology, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 77-112, 2023.
J. Elston, Zhang, Y., Chen, K. - H., and Chen, P. - H., Are Family Firms More Efficient? Revisiting the U-Shaped Curve of Firm Scale and Efficiency, Small Business Economics, 2023.
J. Cho, Diehl, M., Fulmer, A., Kuvaas, B., and Wu, I., The Art of Writing and Publishing for Non-Native English Writers, Professional Development Workshop, Academy of Management Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, 2023.
T. Paterson, Huang, L., and Li, X., Aspiring to be an Entrepreneur while on Paid Employment: A Moderated Mediation Model of Entrepreneur Identity Aspiration, Journal of Business Research, vol. 161, 2023.
F. Shadbad, Bahr, G., Luse, A., and Hammer, B., Best of Both Worlds: The Inclusion of Gamification in Virtual Lab Environments to Increase Educational Value, in Proceedings of the 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023.
T. Paterson, Harms, P. D., and A Bass, E., Beyond Relevance and towards Usefulness: Implications of Academic Perspective Taking, British Journal of Management, 2023.
J. Morris, Canvas Hacks: Using Outcomes to Generate Assurance of Learning Reports. Corvallis OR, 2023.
M. Kulkarni, Baldridge, D., and Swift, M., Conceptualizing disability accommodation device acceptance by workgroups through a sociomaterial lens, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 285-299, 2023.
J. Cho, Contemporary Leadership Research: What We Have Done and Where We are Going, 2023 Brain Korea 21 Lecture Series. Daegu, Republic of Korea, 2023.
J. Deng and Yang, J., Corporate Reputation and Hedging Activities, Accounting and Finance, vol. 63, no. S1, pp. 1223-1247, 2023.
B. Lyons, Baldridge, D., Yang, L. Qin, and Bryan, C., Disability Severity, Professional Isolation Perceptions, and Career Outcomes: When Does Leader-Member Exchange Quality Matter?, Journal of Management, 2023.
Cho, Kim, Y., Murali, K., and Yavuz, M., Drivers and Implications of Combined Investment in Renewables and Energy Storage in the Residential Sector, Decision Sciences, 2023.
Cho, Kim, Y., Murali, K., and Yavuz, M., Drivers and Implications of Combined Investment in Renewables and Energy Storage in the Residential Sector, Decision Sciences, 2023.
M. Hall, Embracing the Spotlight (Effect): How Attention Received Online Influences Consumers’ Offline Spotlight Biases, Marketing Letters, 2023.
A. Luse and Shadbad, F., Hackalytics: Using Computer Hacking to Engage Students in Analytics, Journal of Information Systems Education, 2023.
J. Hardy, Gibson, C., Koenig, N., and Frost, S., Improving measurement and prediction in personnel selection through the application of machine learning, Personnel Psychology, 2023.
R. Reitsma, Hoglund, B., Achatz, N., and Marks, A., Interactive Network Visualization of Educational Standards, Learning Resources and Learning Progressions, in Proceedings IV2023 - 27th International Conference on Information Visualisation, 2023.
H. - G. Huang, Tsai, W. - C., Weng, P. - S., and Yang, J., Intraday Momentum in the VIX Futures Market, Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 148, p. 106746, 2023.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., and Scott, I., Morality Appraisals in Consumer Responsibilization, University of Connecticut Marketing Speaker Series. Storrs, Connecticut, 2023.
I. Scott, Resilient Teaching in an Era of Disruption, Sterling, VA: , 2023.
J. Hardy, Theil, C., Gibson, C., and Klotz, A., Safe Inside: How internal sourcing lowers voluntary turnover in tight labor markets., Academy of Management’s 83rd Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, 2023.
F. Wolburg, Taylor, M. R., Yang, L. Q., Baldridge, D., and Lyons, B., Supervisor incivility and counterproductive work behaviors: Does employee disability age of onset matter?, Work, Stress, and Health Conference. Miami FL, 2023.
C. Norman, Obermire, K., Rose, A. M., Rose, J., and Frydenlund, N., Take Responsibility or Take Action: How Can Firms Recover from Information Technology Control Material Weakness Disclosures?, International Journal of Accounting Information Systems, vol. 48, 2023.
P. Schilpzand, Sun, T., and Liu, Y., Workplace Gossip: An Integrative Review of its Antecedents, Functions, and Consequences, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2023.
W. Hung, Lin, C. - T., and Yang, J., Aggregate 52-week high, limited attention, and time-varying momentum profits, Research Seminar. Victoria, Canada, 2022.
W. Hung, Lin, C. - T., and Yang, J., Aggregate 52-week high, limited attention, and time-varying momentum profits, Journal of Banking & Finance, vol. 141, p. 106531, 2022.
J. Hardy, Applying novel methodological and statistical paradigms to the study of adaptation, Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 37th Annual Conference. Seattle WA, 2022.
M. Barnhart and Huff, A., Arming Teachers - An Effective Security Measure or False Sense of Security?, 2022.
T. Paterson and Huang, L., Aspiring to be an Entrepreneur while on Paid Employment: A Moderated Mediation Model of Entrepreneur Identity Aspiration, Western Academy of Management. Reno, NV, 2022.
J. Mower, "Basic Stock Inventory Planning and Management in Shoe Departments during the early 1940s,". 2022.
T. Paterson, Harms, P. D., and A Bass, E., Beyond Relevance and towards Usefulness: Implications of Academic Perspective Taking, Western Academy of Management. Hawaii, 2022.
B. Holbrook, Business Ethics in Data Usage, 2022 NWARG Conference. Spokane, WA, 2022.
D. Cahoy, Park, S. Kim, and Scott, I., The Changing Faces of Business Law and Sustainability, vol. 59, no. 4. pp. 613-620, 2022.
J. Elston, Chinese Capital Structure: Theory and Evidence, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Finance. Chicago Il, 2022.
J. Elston, Chinese Capital Structure: Theory and Evidence, 35th Annual meeting of the Academy of Finance. Chicago, 2022.
B. Pereira and Stornelli, J., Collective Health versus Individual Freedom: How Goal Centrality and Political Identity Shape Compliance with Covid-19 Prevention, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, 2022.
B. Pereira and Stornelli, J., Collective Health versus Individual Freedom: How Goal Centrality and Political Identity Shape Compliance with Covid-19 Prevention, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, no. 1, pp. 17-26, 2022.
J. Li and Chang, X., Combating False Information by Sharing the Truth: A Study on the Spread of Fact-checks on Social Media, Information Systems Frontiers, 2022.
J. Li and Chang, X., Combating Misinformation by Sharing the Truth: a Study on the Spread of Fact-Checks on Social Media, Information Systems Frontiers, 2022.
A. Kaliyamurthy and Schau, H., Consumer experience of the algorithmic gaze, Consumer Culture Theory Conference. 2022.
I. Luri, Kaliyamurthy, A., and Farmer, M., Consumer imagination & utopian market heroes, Consumer Culture Theory Conference. 2022.
A. B. Schneider, Chugani, S., Kaur, T., Stornelli, J., Luchs, M. G., Bakpayev, M., Garcia-Collart, T., Leonard, B., Ottlewski, L., and Pricer, L., Consumer Well-being in a Digital World: Paradoxes of Technology and the Role of Wisdom, Journal of Consumer Affairs, 2022.
L. Huang, Paterson, T., and Carnevale, J., Contextualizing the influence of leader unethical pro-organizational unethical behavior: Integrating role and event systems theories, Academy of Management. Seattle, WA, 2022.
Y. Fang, Yuan, J., Yang, J., and Ying, S., Crash-Based Quantitative Trading Strategies: Perspective of Behavioral Finance, Finance Research Letters, vol. 45, p. 102185, 2022.
M. Harrold, Borquez, A. Donnadieu, and Huff, A., Destigmatizing "Weird" and "Freaky" Period Products: An Intimate Exploration of Consumer Adoption of Menstrual Cups, in Consumer Culture Theory 2022 Conference, 2022.
J. Drenten, Gurrieri, L., Huff, A., and Barnhart, M., Digital Curation in Contested Markets: How Gunfluencers Enable the Platformization of Second Amendment Ideology, in Association for Consumer Research 2022 Conference, 2022.
J. Drenten, Gurrieri, L., Huff, A., and Barnhart, M., Digital Curation in Contested Markets: How Gunfluencers Enable the Platformization of Second Amendment Ideology, Australia & New Zealand Marketing Academy 2022 Conference. Perth, Australia, 2022.
T. Blackburne and Quinn, P., Disclosure Speed: Evidence from Nonpublic SEC Investigations, The Accounting Review, 2022.
T. Blackburne and Quinn, P., Disclosure Speed: Evidence from Nonpublic SEC Investigations, The Accounting Review, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 55-82, 2022.
B. Marshall, Shadbad, F., Curry, M., and Biros, D., Do Measures of Security Compliance Intent Equal Non-Compliance Scenario Agreement?, in WISP2022: 2022 Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP), Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 2022, 2022.
