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M. Brouard, Belkir, M., Brunk, K., Dalmoro, M., Ferriera, M. Christina, Figueirdo, B., Huff, A., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A., Isolation in Globalizing Academic Fields: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Early Career Researchers, Academy of Management Learning and Education, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 261-285, 2019.
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M. Belkhir, Brouard, M., Brunk, K. H., Campana, M., Dalmoro, M., Ferreira, M. Christina, Figueiredo, B., Huff, A., Scaraboto, D., Sibai, O., and Smith, A., Isolation in Globalizing Academic Fields: A Collaborative Autoethnography of Early Career Researchers, Academy of Management Conference 2019. Boston, 2019.
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