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C. Gibson, Hardy, J., and Buckley, M. R., Understanding the role of networking in organizations, Career Development International, vol. 19, no. 2, 2014.
C. Gibson, Hardy, J., Baur, J. E., Frink, D., and M. Buckley, R., An examination of realistic job previews and expectation lowering procedures for expatriates, Annual Meeting of the Southern Management Association. Savannah, GA, 2014.
C. Gibson and Hardy, J., Gender differences in creative problem-solving may be an artifact of measurement differences, Association for Psychological Science’s 26th Annual Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2014.
C. Gibson, Koenig, N., Griffith, J., and Hardy, J., Selecting for retention: Understanding turnover pre-hire, Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice, vol. 12, pp. 338-341, 2019.
C. Gibson, Hardy, J., Baur, J., Frink, D., and Buckley, M. R., Expectation-based interventions for expatriates, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, vol. 49, pp. 332-342, 2015.
J. Giese, Malkewitz, K., Orth, U., and Henderson, P., Advancing the aesthetic middle principle: trade-offs in design attractiveness and strength, 2014.
E. Glikson, Rees, L., Wirtz, J., Kopleman, S., and Rafaeli, A., When and why a squeakier wheel gets more grease: The influence of cultural values and anger intensity on customer compensation, Journal of Service Research, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 223-240, 2019.
C. Gobeli, Presentation to Ukrainian Women's Leadership Program, Ukrainian Women's Leadership Program. 2000.
D. Gobeli, Koenig, H., and Bechinger, I., Managing Conflict in Software Development Teams: A Multi-Level Analysis, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 423-435, 1998.
D. Gobeli, Mishra, C., and Koenig, H., Impact of R&D on Performance, Financial Management Association Conference. Seattle, WA, 2000.
C. Gobeli, Presentation to Linn Benton Community College Women's Voter Empowerment Program, Linn Benton Community College Women's Voter Empowerment Program. 2000.
D. Gobeli and Mishra, C., Valuation of intangible Assets in Software Firms, Meeting of the Software Association of Oregon. Corvallis, OR, 1999.
D. Gobeli and Koenig, H., Enhancing Technology Management Through Alliances, Technology Management in the Knowledge Era, Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. 2001.
D. Gobeli and Rivas, R., Accelerating Innovation at Hewlett-Packard, Research Technology Management: international journal of research management, vol. Jan/Feb 2005, 2005.
C. Gobeli, Untitled. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
D. Gobeli, Mishra, C., and Koenig, H., Strategic Value of Technology and Brand Equity, International Conference on Valuation of Intangible Assets in Global Operations. New Jersey, 1999.
D. Gobeli and Mishra, C. S., Strategic Value of Corporate Venture Capital Programs, Journal of Private Equity, 2000.
D. Gobeli and Koenig, H., Enhancing the E-Business Value Sequence Through R&D, Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology. Portland, OR, 2001.
C. Gobeli, Untitled. Corvallis, OR, 2001.
D. Gobeli, Mishra, C., and McConaughy, D., The Effectiveness of CEO Compensation, Financial Management Association Conference. Florida, 1999.
D. Gobeli, Koenig, H., and Bechinger, I., Managing Conflict in Software Development Teams: A Multi-Level Analysis, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 15, no. 5, pp. 423-435, 1998.
D. Gobeli, Przybylowski, K., and Rudelius, W., Linking Teaching to Research Publication Opportunities: Experience in Seven European Countries., Conference Proceedings. 2002.
D. Gobeli and Koenig, H., Two Stage Internalization Framework for Multinational Corporations, Academy of International Business Conference. South Carolina, 1999.
J. Godesiabois, Murnieks, C., and Mosakowski, E., The games entrepreneurs play, Babson Kauffman Entrepreneurship Research Conference. Babson Park, 2005.
J. Gokhale, Brooks, R., and Tremblay, V. J., The Effect on Stockholder Wealth of Product Recalls and Government Action: The Case of Toyota's Accelerator Pedal Recall, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, vol. 54, no. November 2014, pp. 521-528, 2014.
M. Gonzalez, Managing political alliance in pursuit of governance reform, World Bank seminar series: Managing political alliance in pursuit of governance reform. 2000.
M. Gonzalez, The politics of implementing change in tax administration: The BIR Project, Core Course in Governance and Anti-corruption, Public Sector Group of the World Bank. 2005.
M. Gonzalez, A polycentric approach to implementing the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda of the United Nations: Lessons from the FISh for Stewards Program, Designing the MSI (Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives) of the Future: A Research Workshop on Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives. Occidental College, Los Angeles, California, 2017.
N. Gopalan, Howes, S., and Leiva, P. I., Explaining emotional labor's relationships with emotional exhaustion and life satisfaction: Moderating role of perceived autonomy, Universitas Psychologica, vol. 12, pp. 347-356, 2013.
R. Graham and Chrobuck, G. R., Understanding and managing receivables on U.S. government contracts, Management Accounting Quarterly, no. Summer, pp. 4-11, 2001.
R. Graham, The value of firms headquartered in Quebec relative to the value of firms headquartered elsewhere in Canada: Evidence of a Quebec discount, Research Seminar Series at the University of Manitoba. Manitoba, Canada, 2000.
R. Graham, Advertising Assets, University of Auckland. Auckland NZ, 2007.
R. Graham, The value of firms headquartered in Quebec relative to the value of firms headquartered elsewhere in Canada: Evidence of a Quebec discount, Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association. Atlanta GA, 2001.
R. Graham, The value relevance of accounting information during a financial crisis: Thailand and the 1997 decline in the value of the baht, American Accounting Association Western Region Meeting. Newport Beach, CA, 1999.
R. Graham and Lin, K. - C., Why do Analysts Issue Forecast Revisions Inconsistent with Prior Stock Returns?, Accounting and Finance, 2016.
R. Graham, Economic value analysis, inventory accounting, and the ambitious accounting graduate, 2002 AICPA Educators Conference. Sedona AZ, 2002.
R. Graham, Banyi, M., and Caplan, D., The Short Happy Life of Celiant Corporation: Did Managerialism at Lucent Technologies Divert Shareholder Wealth to Private Equity Investors?, Critical Perspectives on Accounting, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 337-350, 2011.
R. Graham, King, R. D., and Morrill, C. K. J., Decision usefulness of joint venture reporting methods, Accounting Horizons, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 123-137, 2003.
R. Graham, The equity method and the value relevance of fair value disclosures, Research Seminar Series at Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR, 2000.
R. Graham, King, R., and Bailes, J., The Value Relevance of Accounting Information During a Financial Crises: Thailand and the 1997 Decline in Value of the Baht, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 84-107, 2000.
R. Graham, The Earnings Effects of Advertising Expenditures during Recessions, European Academy of Marketing Annual Meeting. Nantes France, 2009.
R. Graham and Frankenberger, K. D., The Earnings Effects of Marketing Communications Expenditures during Recessions, Journal of Advertising, vol. 40, no. 2, pp. 5-24, 2011.
R. Graham, The equity method and the value relevance of fair value disclosures, Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association. Atlanta GA, 2001.
R. Graham and Frankenberger, K. D., The Contribution of Changes in Advertising Expenditures to Earnings and Market Values, Journal of Business Research, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 149-155, 2000.
R. Graham, The value relevance of accounting information during a financial crisis: Thailand and the 1997 decline in the value of the baht, The Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting. Melbourne Australia, 1999.
R. Graham and Lin, K. - C., The Influence of Other Comprehensive Income on Discretionary Expenditures., Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, no. 45, 1,2, pp. 72-91, 2018.
R. Graham, The incremental value relevance of geographic segment disclosures: Canadian evidence, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Accounting Association. Quebec City Quebec, 2005.
R. Graham, The value of firms headquartered in Quebec relative to the value of firms headquartered elsewhere in Canada: Evidence of a Quebec discount, Mid-Year Meeting of the International Accounting Section of the American Accounting Association. Phoenix, Arizona, 2001.
R. Graham, Corporate Venturing at Lucent Technologies: Was Wealth Diverted from Shareholders to Private Equity Investors?, Annual Meeting of the American Accounting Association. New York, NY, 2009.
R. Graham, Morrill, C., and Morrill, J., Does it matter where assets are held and income is derived? Further evidence of differential value relevance from Quebec, Journal of International Accounting, Auditing and Taxation, 2012.
