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G. Reeves-DeArmond, Response journal assignments as a technique for student comprehension and engagement, OSU Center for Teaching and Learning Symposium III. Corvallis, Oregon, 2013.
F. Ng, Harrison, J., and Akroyd, C., A Revenue Management Perspective of Management Accounting Practice in Small Businesses, Meditari Accountancy Research, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 92-116, 2013.
A. Pulay and Tural, E., Review of Classroom Lighting Literature, Pacific West IDEC Regional Conference. San Francisco, CA, 2013.
J. Elston, Risk Attitudes, Wealth and Sources of Entrepreneurial Start-Up Capital, London: , 2013.
C. Bee and Dalakas, V., Rivalries and Sponsorship Affiliation: Examining the Effects of Social Identity and Argument Strength on Responses to Sponsorship-related Advertising Messages, Journal of Marketing Communications, 2013.
M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., and Taylor, C. R., The Role of Geography of Self in "Filling In" Brand Personality Characteristics: Consumer Inference of Claim-Irrelevant Attributes, Journal of Advertising, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 16-29, 2013.
A. Klotz, Veiga, S. P. da Motta, Buckley, M. R., and Gavin, M., The role of trustworthiness in recruitment and selection: A review and guide for future research, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 34, pp. S104-S119, 2013.
P. Frischmann, Schedule UTP: Stock Price Reaction and Financial Reporting Consequences; Discussant's Comments, Journal of the American Taxation Association, vol. 35-1, no. Spring, 2013, pp. pp 49-51, 2013.
S. K. Kim, Arthurs, J., Sahaym, A., and Cullen, J., Search behavior and technological capital of the diversified firm: The impact of fit on innovation, Strategic Management Journal, vol. 34, no. 8, pp. 999-1009, 2013.
S. Chen, Zemke, D., and Shoemaker, S., Segmenting Slot Machine Players: A Factor-Cluster Analysis, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, vol. 24, no. 7, 2013.
J. Hardy and Day, E. A., Self-efficacy and complex skill performance: disentangling between- and within-person differences, 121st American Psychological Association Annual Convention. Honolulu, HI, 2013.
E. Tural, Service Learning in Interior Design: Reflections on a Community-Based Design Studio, 44th Annual Conference of Environmental Design Research Association. Providence, RI, 2013.
Z. Jiang, Kim, K. A., Lie, E., and Yang, S., Share Repurchases, Catering, and Dividend Substitution, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 21, no. June 2013, pp. 36-50, 2013.
J. Cho and Park, I., Shared Leadership in Virtual Teams: Boundary Conditions for Team Identification and Cohesiveness, Western Academy of Management (WAM). Santa Fe, NM, 2013.
D. Treadway, Breland, J., Williams, L., Cho, J., Yang, J., and Ferris, J., Social Influence and Interpersonal Power in Organizations: Roles of Performance and Political Skill in Two Studies, Journal of Management, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 1529-1553, 2013.
J. McAlexander and DuFault, B., A Sociohistoric Comparison of Citizen Scientists: From 18th Century England to 21st Century Antarctica, Consumer Culture Theory International Conference. Tucson AZ, 2013.
S. Song and Kim, M., Strategies for Building Brand Equity for Unfamiliar Companies, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. 2013.
T. Carroll, Håkonsson, D. Døjbak, and Klaas, P., The Structural Properties of Sustainable, Continuous Change: Achieving Reliability Through Flexibility, The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, vol. 49, no. 2, pp. 179-205, 2013.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Mower, J., and Nishida, K., Student and faculty perceptions of the development and use of Massive Open Online Courses in clothing and textiles education, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2013.
Z. Wu, Edgeman, R., and Laasch, O., Supply Chain Management, 2013.
Z. Wu, Johnson, J., Kull, T., Pathak, S., Rabinovich, E., and Wu, Z., Supply Network Design and Product Environmental Performance. NSF Final Report, 2013., 2013.
T. Paterson, Taking Human Sustainability Seriously: Exploring Individual and Organizational Enablers of Thriving, Academy of Management. Orlando, FL, 2013.
I. Scott, Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks: Creating a Twenty-First Century Public Utility Commission, 2013 Annual Meeting. Boston, 2013.
J. Chen, Neubaum, D., Reilly, R. R., and Lynn, G. S., Team Autonomy and New Product Development Performance, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando), Florida, 2013.
T. Paterson, Luthans, F., and Jeung, W., Thriving at Work: An Empirical Investigation of Antecedents and Outcomes, Academy of Management. Orlando, FL, 2013.
R. Garrett and Neubaum, D., Top Management Support and Initial Strategic Assets: A Dependency Model of Internal Corporate Venture Performance, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. 896 - 915, 2013.
Y. Kim, Yan, T., and Choi, T., Toward a Theory of Nexus Supplier, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). Denver, CO, 2013.
Z. Wu and Choi, T. Y., Triadic Relations in a Game of Pachisi, Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 305-312, 2013.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Understanding historical events through dress and costume displays at Titanic museum attractions, Costume Society of America Annual Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, 2013.
S. He, Untitled, Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) Conference. Croatia, 2013.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Visual rhetoric: Significance and application to fashion and dress scholarship, International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2013.
G. Reeves-DeArmond, Walking Tour of “Titanic: The Artifact Exhibition”, Costume Society of America 2013 National Symposium. Las Vegas, Nevada, 2013.
J. Mower and Pedersen, E., We wore 'sloppy sweaters [and] tweed skirts." Proposed styles for the wartime college woman, International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Converence. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
W. O'Grady and Akroyd, C., Weeklies In, Budgets Out, Tenth Global Management Accounting Research Symposium (GMARS). Lancing, Michigan, 2013.
N. King and Raja, V. T., What Do They Know About Me In The Cloud? A Comparative Law Perspective On Protecting the Privacy and Security of Sensitive Consumer Data, American Business Law Journal, vol. 50, no. 2, pp. 413-482, 2013.
L. Houston and Grandey, A. A., What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us: A Call for Stereotype-Congruent Impression Management Tactics, Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice, vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 433-437, 2013.
A. Joshi, When Are Patent Litigants Productive or Unproductive Entrepreneurs? Evidence from a Natural Experiment on False Patent Marking, 2007-2011, 2013 SMS Conference. Atlanta, GA, 2013.
M. Puzakova, Kwak, H., and Rocereto, J., When Humanizing Brands Goes Wrong: The Detrimental Role of Brand Anthropomorphization Amidst Product Wrongdoings, Journal of Marketing, vol. 77, no. 3, pp. 81-100, 2013.
M. Barnhart and Penaloza, L., Who Are You Calling Old? Negotiating Old Age Identity in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble, Journal of Consumer Research, 2013.
I. Milosevic, A Bass, E., and Paterson, T., Why Some Ph.D. Students Fret While Others Innovate: The Critical Role of Thriving and Voice in Innovative Contexts, Academy of Management. Orlando, FL, 2013.
D. Baldridge and Swift, M., Withholding Requests For Disability Accommodation: The Influence Of Individual And Situational Attributes, Journal of Management, vol. 39, pp. 743-762, 2013.
A. H. Huffman, Howes, S., Henning, J. B., and Goh, A., Work-family conflict across the lifespan, Journal of Managerial Psychology, vol. 28, pp. 761-780, 2013.
D. T. Wagner, Barnes, C. M., and Leavitt, K., Worth what you're paid: A meaning maintenance model of compensation and self-promotion., Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2013.
R. Thompson, Bergman, M., Howes, S., and Huffman, A. H., Yes, we're fishing – in rough waters for hard-to-find fish, Industrial and Organizational Psychology-Perspectives on Science and Practice, vol. 6, pp. 61-65, 2013.
S. Saxby and King, N., 2013 CLSR-LSPI Seminar on Electronic Identity , The Global Challenge, Computer Law and Security Review, vol. 30, pp. 112-125, 2014.
G. Lu and Koufteros, X., Adopting supply chain security practices for the transport logistics: institutional effects and performance drivers, International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 611-631, 2014.
J. McAlexander, Koenig, H., and DuFault, B., Advancement in Higher Education: The Role of Marketing in Building Philanthropic Giving Communities, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 243-257, 2014.
D. Baldridge, Beatty, J. E., Böhm, S., Kulkarni, M., and Moore, M., Advancing Research on Discrimination: The Contextual Meanings and Effects of the Word "Disability, 2014 Academy of Management Meeting. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2014.
J. Giese, Malkewitz, K., Orth, U., and Henderson, P., Advancing the aesthetic middle principle: trade-offs in design attractiveness and strength, 2014.
J. King and Slovic, P., The Affect Heuristic in Early Judgments of Product Innovations, Journal of Consumer Behaviour, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 411-428, 2014.
