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Journal Articles
Y. Sun, Chang, X., and Guan, Y., Flexible and Efficient Estimating Equations for Variogram Estimation, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 122, pp. 45-58, 2018.
K. Ozpolat, Ribbink, D., Hales, D. N., and Windle, R. J., Food Aid Procurement and Transportation Decision-Making in Governmental Agencies: The United Nations/EU versus the United States Approach, Transportation Journal, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 159-185, 2015.
G. Lu and Koufteros, X., Food supply chain safety and security: A concern of global importance, Journal of Marketing Channels, vol. 24, no. 3-4, pp. 111-114, 2017.
N. King and Jessen, P. W., For Privacy's Sake: Consumer "Opt Outs" for Smart Meters, Computer Law and Security Review, vol. 30, no. 5, pp. pp. 530-539, 2014.
J. Deng, Foreign Exchange Risk, Hedging, and Tax-Motivated Outbound Income Shifting, Journal of Accounting Research, vol. 58, no. 4, pp. 953-987, 2020.
K. Liu, Tang, J., Yang, K., and Arthurs, J., Foreign IPOs in the US: When entrepreneurial orientation meets institutional distance, Journal of Business Research, vol. 101, pp. 144-151, 2019.
J. D. Townsend, Montoya, M., and Calantone, R. J., Form and Function: A Matter of Perspective, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 28, pp. 374-377, 2011.
K. Malkewitz and Orth, U., Formation of consumer price expectation based on package design: attractive and quality routes, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 2010.
U. Orth, Campana, D., and Malkewitz, K., Formation of Consumer Price Expectation Based on Package Design: Attractive and Quality Routes, 2010.
K. Malkewitz and Orth, U., Formation of consumer price expectation based on package design: attractive and quality routes, Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 2010.
A. Brzykcysg, Boehm, S., and Baldridge, D., Fostering sustainable careers across the lifespan: The role of disability, idiosyncratic deals and perceived work ability, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 112, pp. 185-198, 2019.
J. Arthurs, Lee, G., and Yi, G., FOUNDER'S PSYCHOLOGICAL OWNERSHIP AND ITS IMPACT ON NEW VENTURE GROWTH AND PERFORMANCE (INTERACTIVE PAPER), Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, vol. 37, no. 5, p. 9, 2017.
T. Randoy, Dibrell, C., and Craig, J., Founding family influence and the moderating effects of product market competition on firm performance: Implications for corporate governance, Small Business Economics, vol. 20, pp. 335-344, 2008.
K. Leavitt, Zhu, L. Luke, Klotz, A., and Kouchaki, M., Fragile or Robust? Differential Effects of Gender Threats in the Workplace Among Men and Women, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2022.
K. Leavitt, Zhu, L. (Luke), Klotz, A., and Kouchaki, M., Fragile or Robust? Differential Effects of Gender Threats in the Workplace Among Men and Women, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 2022.
D. Berger and Pukthuanthong, K., Fragility, stress, and market returns, Journal of Banking & Finance, 2016.
S. Fan, Zhao, J. L., Liu, M., and Dou, W., A Framework for the Transformation from Conceptual to Logical Workflow Models, Decision Support Systems, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 781-794, 2012.
R. Zheng, Li, J., Chen, H., Huang, Z., and Qin, Y., A framework of authorship identification for online messages: Writing style features and classification techniques, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, vol. 57, no. 3, pp. 378-393, 2006.
J. Li, Li, X., Su, H., Chen, H., and Galbraith, D. W., A framework of integrating gene functional relations from heterogeneous data sources: An experiment on Arabidopsis thaliana, Bioinformatics, vol. 22, no. 16, pp. 2037-2043, 2006.
T. Carroll and Karim, S., A framework of organisations as dynamic structures, International Journal of Strategic Change Management, vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 230-246, 2011.
A. Marks, From Art to Business (and Back), Design and Culture, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 69-73, 2017.
R. Martell, From bias to exclusion: A multilevel emergent theory of gender segregation in organizations. Research in Organization Behavior, 32, 137-162., Research in Organizational Behavior, vol. 32, pp. 137-162, 2012.
A. Quarshie, Salmi, A., and Wu, Z., From Equivocality to Reflexivity in Biodiversity Protection, Organization and Environment, pp. 1-30, 2019.
M. Montoya and O'Driscoll, T., From Experience: Applying Performance Support Technology in the Fuzzy Front End of NPD, Journal of Product Innovation Management, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 143-161, 2000.
J. Li, Zheng, R., and Chen, H., From fingerprint to writeprint, Communications of the ACM, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 76-82, 2006.
K. Chi Yam, Klotz, A., He, W., and Reynolds, S., From good soldiers to psychologically entitled: Examining when and why citizenship behavior leads to deviance, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 373-396, 2017.
D. K. Aiken, Bee, C., and Walker, N., From Passion to Obsession: Development and Validation of a Scale to Measure Compulsive Sport Consumption, Journal of Business Research, vol. 87, pp. 69-79, 2018.
K. Leavitt, Barnes, C. M., Watkins, T., and Wagner, D. T., From the Bedroom to the Office: Workplace Spillover Effects of Marital Sexual Activity, Journal of Management, 2019.
R. M. O'Keefe, Cole, M., Chau, P., Massey, A. P., Montoya, M., and Perry, M., From the User Interface to the Customer Interface: Results from a Global Experiment, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, vol. 53, no. 4, pp. 611-628, 2000.
C. Dibrell, Davis, P. S., and Craig, J., Fueling innovation through information technology in SMEs, Journal of Small Business Management, 2007.
C. Murnieks, Cardon, M. S., and Haynie, J. M., Fueling the Fire: Identity centrality, affective interpersonal commitment and gender as drivers of entrepreneurial passion, Journal of Business Venturing, 2020.
J. Michel, Lyons, B., and Cho, J., Is the Full-Range Model of Leadership Really a Full-Range Model of Effective Leader Behavior?, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 493-507, 2011.
J. Drexler and Larson, E., Fund Raisers as vehicles for teaching project management principles and tools, Journal of Management Education, 2009.
J. A. A. Thompson and Burns, L., Furniture Design Decision-making Constructs, Home Economics Research Forum, no. 16, pp. 279-290, 1988.
S. S. Dazkir and Read, M., Furniture forms and their influence on our emotional responses toward interior environments, Environment and Behavior, vol. 44, no. 5, pp. 722-732, 2012.
R. Reitsma and Marks, A., The Future of Data: Too Much Visualization — Too Little Understanding?, Dialectic, vol. 2, no. 2, 2019.
G. Sanjun, Wanchun, D., and Fan, S., A Fuzzy Directed Graph-based QoS Model for Service Composition, Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences, vol. 12, no. 5, 2007.
S. Kim and Hsieh, P. - H., Gauging the Effects of Dependences on Control in Industrial Distribution Channels: Response Surface Approach, International Journal of Research in Marketing, vol. 23, pp. 12 - 29, 2006.
U. Orth, Malkewitz, K., and Bee, C., Gender and Personality Drivers of Consumer Mixed Emotional Responses to Advertising, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 69-80, 2010.
U. Orth, Malkewitz, K., and Bee, C., Gender and Personality Drivers of Consumer Mixed Emotional Responses to Advertising, Journal of Current Issues and Research in Advertising, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 69-80, 2010.
U. Orth, Malkewitz, K., and Bee, C., Gender and Personality Drivers of Consumer Mixed Emotional Response to Advertising, 2010.
E. Pedersen, Markee, N. L., and Salusso, C. J., Gender differences in characteristics reported to be important featurs of physical attractiveness, Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 79, pp. 1539-1544, 1994.
E. Pedersen, Markee, N. L., and Salusso-Deonier, C. J., Gender differences in characteristics reported to be important features of physical attractiveness, Perceptual and Motor Skills, vol. 76, pp. 1155-1167, 1993.
E. Chang, Burns, L., and Francis, S. K., Gender Differences in the Dimensional Structure of Apparel Shopping Satisfaction Among Korean Consumers: The Role of Hedonic Shopping Value, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, vol. 22, no. 4, pp. 185-199, 2004.
J. Hardy and Gibson, C., Gender differences in the measurement of creative problem-solving, Journal of Creative Behavior, 2015.
X. Li, Chen, H., Li, J., and Zhang, Z., Gene function prediction with gene interaction networks: a context graph kernel approach, IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine, vol. 14, no. 1, pp. 119-128, 2010.
J. L. Maynard, Floyd, R. G., Acklie, T. J., and Houston, L., General Factor Loadings and Specific Effects of the Differential Ability Scales, Second Edition Composites, School Psychology Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 2, p. 108, 2011.
P. Kalgotra, Baham, C., Shadbad, F., and Sharda, R., Generational Differences in Perceiving the Technology Interruptions: A qualitative Study, European Journal of Information Systems, pp. 1-21, 2022.
E. L. Uhlmann, Leavitt, K., Menges, J. I., Koopman, J., Howe, M., and Johnson, R. E., Getting Explicit about the Implicit: A Taxonomy of Implicit Measures and Guide for their Use in Organizational Research, Organizational Research Methods, vol. 15, pp. 553-601, 2012.
M. Montoya, Massey`, A. P., and Song, M., Getting it Together: Temporal Coordination and Conflict Management in Global Virtual Teams, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 1251-1263, 2001.
