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R. Su, Tay, L., Liao, H. - Y., Zhang, Q., and Rounds, J., Toward a dimensional model of vocational interests, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 104, no. 5, pp. 690–714, 2019.
J. Beatty, Baldridge, D., Böhm, S., Kulkarni, M., and Colella, A., On the treatment of people with disabilities in organizations: A review and research agenda, Human Resource Management (US), 2019.
J. A. Robinson, Joshi, A., Vickerie-Dearman, L., and Inouye, T. M., Urban Innovation: At the nexus of entrepreneurship and urban policy, Cheltenham, UK: , 2019, pp. 129-144.
K. Leavitt, Qiu, F., and Shapiro, D., Using Electronic Confederates for Experimental Research in Organizational Science, Organizational Research Methods, 2019.
E. Glikson, Rees, L., Wirtz, J., Kopleman, S., and Rafaeli, A., When and why a squeakier wheel gets more grease: The influence of cultural values and anger intensity on customer compensation, Journal of Service Research, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 223-240, 2019.
V. Gerasymenko, When do organizations learn from successful experience? The Case of Venture Capital Firms, International Small Business Journal, pp. 1-23, 2019.
G. Stephenson and Noxel, S., Whole Farm Management From Start Up to Sustainability, North Adams, MA: , 2019, pp. 232-241.
K. Murali, Choi, D. Gu, Lim, M. Kim, and Thomas, V., Why have Voluntary Time-of-Use Tariffs Fallen Short in the Residential Sector?, Production and Operations Management, 2019.
K. Chi (Sam) Yam, Barnes, C. M., Leavitt, K., Wei, W., and Uhlmann, E. L., Why so Serious? Experimental and Field Evidence that Morality and a Sense of Humor are Psychologically Incompatible., Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2019.
M. Hall, Hyodo, J., and Kristofferson, K., You Didn’t Take my Advice? Examining Social and Product-Related Outcomes of Rejected Recommendations, Society for Consumer Psychology Conference. Savannah, Georgia, 2019.
C. M. Barnes, Dang, C., Leavitt, K., Guarana, C., and Uhlmann, E. Luis, Archival Data in Micro-Organizational Research: A Toolkit for Moving to a Broader Set of Topics, Journal of Management, vol. 44, no. 4, pp. 1453-1478, 2018.
J. A. Griffith, Gibson, C., Medeiros, K., MacDougall, A., Hardy, J., and Mumford, M., Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking?: The Influence of Leader Style, Distance, and Leader–Follower Mental Model Congruence on Creative Performance, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 153-170, 2018.
N. Brown, Behind the Scenes With Nikki Brown Business and Marketing Instructor. Corvallis, OR, 2018.
Y. Kim, Lee, H. - S. (Huck), and Son, J., Bifurcating Order Fulfillment Channels in E-Commerce, 2018 INFORMS Annual Conference. Phoenix, AZ, 2018.
L. J. Zhao, Fan, S., and Zheng, E., Blockchain-Enabled Trust: The Case of Inter-Firm Dataflow, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). New Orleans, 2018.
P. Mathew, Takahashi, H., and Yamakawa, Y., Board members' influence on resource investments to start-ups and IPO outcomes: Does prior affiliation matter?, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 49, no. June 2018, pp. 30-42, 2018.
J. Moore and Xu, L., Book-Tax Differences and the Costs of Private Debt, Advances in Accounting, vol. 42, 2018.
J. Morris and Zwart, J., Business Writing Style Guide, no. 1. Corvallis, Oregon: , 2018, p. 71.
R. Longo, Careers in Accounting Profession, West Albany High School, Business Education. Albany, OR, 2018.
L. D. Burns and Mullet, K., Carter's®, Inc. and Organic Cotton. 2018.
Y. Hee Lee, Lee, S., and Kim, J., A Case Study on the Analysis of Layout and Residence Space Planning for Continuing Care Retirement Communities(CCRCs) in United States, Journal of Korean Institute of Interior Design, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 186-195, 2018.
J. Chen, Gurel-Atay, E., Kahle, L. R., and Suh, W. Suk, Changes in Social Values in the United States – 1976-2017: Is a New Age of Tribalism Emerging?, in Association for Consumer Research, 2018.
K. Mullet and Burns, L. D., Chico's Sizing. 2018.
C. - C. Teng and Yang, J., Chinese Lunar New Year Effect, Investor Sentiment, and Market Deregulation, Finance Research Letters, vol. 27, pp. 175-184, 2018.
J. Wu, Fan, S., and J. Zhao, L., Community Engagement and Online Word of Mouth: An Empirical Investigation, Information & Management, vol. 55, no. 2, pp. 258-270, 2018.
C. Stannard and Mullet, K., Consumption of Raw Materials by Crafters: Desired Characteristics of Yarn and Retailers, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 17-32, 2018.
C. Stannard and Mullet, K., Consumption of Raw Materials by Crafters: Desired Characteristics of Yarn and Retailers, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 17-32, 2018.
D. Antons, Joshi, A., and Salge, T. Oliver, Content, Contribution, and Knowledge Consumption: Uncovering Hidden Topic Structure and Rhetorical Signals in Scientific Texts, Journal of Management, 2018.
A. Bolinger, Klotz, A., and Leavitt, K., Contributing from Inside the Outer Circle: The Identity-Based Effects of Noncore Role Incumbents on Group Relational Coordination and Organizational Climate, Academy of Management Review, vol. 43, no. 4, pp. 680-703, 2018.
J. Huck, Day, E. A., Jorgensen, A., and Hardy, J., Curiosity, skill acquisition, and adaptation: A piecewise latent trajectory analysis., Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology’s 33rd Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, 2018.
C. Murnieks, Customer Discovery, OSU Accelerator. Corvallis, 2018.
C. Murnieks, Customer Discovery, OSU Accelerator. Corvallis, 2018.
J. Arthurs, Chahine, S., Filatotchev, I., and Hosskisson, R., The Dark Side of Venture Capital Syndication and IPO Firm Performance, 2018, p. 430.
M. S. Cardon, Murnieks, C., Pollack, J., Wolfe, M., Uy, M., Gielnik, M., Stevenson, R., and McMullen, J. S., Debates and gaps surrounding research on entrepreneurial passion, Academy of Management. Chicago, 2018.
Y. Lee, Lee, S., and Kim, J., Desire for Residence Type and Space Improvement : Support for Older Adults' Daily Activities in Kitchen and Bathroom, Archives of Design Research, vol. 31, no. 1226-8046, pp. 196-203, 2018.
J. Chen, Shao, R., and Fan, S., Development of Context-based Indices for Measuring Dynamic and Dualistic Nature of Innovation, Academy of Management Annual Conference. Chicago, IL, 2018.
L. Steele, Bens, D., and Monahan, S., The Effect of Aggregation of Accounting Information via Segment Reporting on Accounting Conservatism", European Accounting Review, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 237-262, 2018.
Y. Shin Lee, Ribbink, D., and Eckerd, S. Nicole, Effectiveness of Bonus and Penalty Incentive Contracts in Supply Chain Exchanges: Does National Culture Matter?, Journal of Operations Management, vol. 62, pp. 59-74, 2018.
J. Rose, Brink, A., and Norman, C., The Effects of Compensation Structures and Monetary Rewards on Managers' Decisions to Blow the Whistle, Journal of Business Ethics, 2018.
J. Bierstaker, Downey, D., Rose, J., and Thibodeau, J., Effects of Stories and Checklist Decision Aids on Knowledge Structure Development and Auditor Judgment, Journal of Information Systems, vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 1-24, 2018.
K. Zhang, Fan, S., and Wang, H., An Efficient Recommender System Using Locality Sensitive Hashing, Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii, 2018.
J. Arthurs and Liu, K., Employee dependence and strategic human capital in IPO of US high-tech firms, presented at the 2018, 2018, vol. 1, p. 11102.
I. Scott, Environmental Policy, New York, NY: , 2018.
G. Spraakman, O’Grady, W., Askarany, D., and Akroyd, C., ERP Systems and Management Accounting: New Understandings through "Nudging" in Qualitative Research, Journal of Accounting & Organizational Change, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 120-137, 2018.
J. Cho, Lee, J., Baek, Y., Pillai, R., and Oh, S., Ethical Leadership and Performance Controlling for the Full-Range Model and Authentic Leadership, Academy of Management. Chicago, IL, 2018.
J. Elston, Evidence on the Dynamic Nature of Executive Compensation and Corporate Governance in China, Corporate Governance. Copenhagen, 2018.
I. Park, Cho, J., and Rao, H. R., An Examination of Resilience in Healthcare Information Systems in the Context of Natural Disaster, International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS). San Francisco, 2018.
J. Elston, Weidinger, A., and Widmer, M., An Examination of the Relationship Between Size and Growth of Listed Firms in the United Arab Emirates, 7th International Conference on Restructuring of the Global Economy (ROGE). Oxford, UK, 2018.
A. Klotz, Bolino, M. C., Song, H., and Stornelli, J., Examining the Nature, Causes, and Consequences of Profiles of Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Journal of Organizational Behavior, vol. 39, no. 5, pp. 629-647, 2018.
L. Huangfu, Hayne, S., Ma, J., and Roberts, N., Exploratory Study for Readmission in Cancer Patients, presented at the 2018, 2018.
