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Conference Papers
E. Maqsood and Chen, H. - L., Motivations and level of internalization of Muslim women wearing the hijab in a Western society, in International Textile and Apparel Association, 2019.
M. Barnhart and Penaloza, L., Negotiating Agency in the Elderly Consumption Ensemble, in Association for Consumer Research, 2009, vol. 36.
M. Barnhart and Huff, A., Negotiating the Legitimacy of an American Icon: Myth and the U.S. Gun Market, in Association for Consumer Research, 2018, vol. 46.
R. Reitsma and Diekema, A., Network Visualization of Human and Machine-based Educational Standard Assignment, in Information Visualization 2010 (IV-10), London, 2010.
F. Veltri, Miller, J., Presley, R., and Charlton, A., The new playoff system in college football: Analysis of fan interest and perception of College Football National Championship Game., in Applied Sport Management conferencer, Baton Rouge, LA, 2016.
B. Dahunsi, An Ontology-based Knowledgebase for User Profile and Garment Features in Apparel Recommender Systems, presented at the 2021, 2021.
T. Carroll, Hakonsson, D. Dojbak, and Klaas, P., Organizational Adaptation, Continuous Change, and the Positive Role of Inertia, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2009.
Y. Wang, Zeng, D., and Zhu, B., Patterns of News Dissemination through Online News Network in China, in Proceedings of the 21st Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems (WITS 2011), Shanghai, China, December 3rd, 2011, 2011.
L. Pellandini-Simanyi and Barnhart, M., The Perilous Prudence Paradox: A market system dynamics model of a widening risk attitude-behavior gap, in Consumer Culture Theory Conference, 2022, vol. 2022.
T. Kaskela, Zhu, B., and Sayali, D., Pixel Importance: The Impact of Saturation and Brightness on the Spread of Information on Social Media, in Springer Cham, 2022, no. 1, p. 105.
M. Barnhart, Drenten, J., Gurrieri, L., and Huff, A., Platformization of American Gun Culture, in Consumer Culture Theory 2022 Conference, 2022.
A. Huff, Humphreys, A., and Wilner, S. J. S., The Pot Problem: The Role of Design in Legitimation of New Markets, in American Marketing Association 2016 Winter Educators' Proceedings, 2016, pp. D10-11.
A. Joshi and Lahiri, N., The Power of Words: How, Why, and When Do Language Barriers Affect Alliance Formation?", in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014.
E. Saeidi and Wimberly, V., Precious Cut: A Practice- Based Research Toward Zero-Waste by Exploring Creative Pattern Cutting Methods and Draping Techniques, in International Textile and Apparel Association (ITAA) International Conference, Santa Fe, New Mexico, 2015.
W. Chai, Zuo, M., Zhu, B., and Tian, X., PREDICTING HABITUAL CONTINUING SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES USE OF THE ELDERLY, in Workshop on Doing IS Research in China, The 19th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2015), Singapore, 2015.
D. Aiken and Malkewitz, K., The Program Context of War News: An Empirical Investigation of Influences on Television Advertising Effectiveness, presented at the 2006, 2006.
B. Hammer, Zhang, T., Shadbad, F., and Agrawal, R., Psychological Contract Violation and Sharing Intention on Facebook, in Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2019.
F. Shadbad, Baham, C., and Biros, D., A Qualitative Approach to Understand Unintentional Information Security Misbehaviors, in Americas Conference on Information Systems, 2020.
V. Gerasymenko, Cho, S. Yul, Arthurs, J., and Choi, Y., Re-examining Constraints And Ventures' Learning: The Case Of Business Accelerator Programs, in Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research, 2021.
M. Barnhart, Huff, A., and Scott, I., Relating American's Responses to the Marketization of Armed Self-Defense to their Understandings of the Second Amendment, in Association for Consumer Research, 2019.
R. Reitsma, Samson, C., Soltys, M., and Sullivan, J., The Relevance of K-12 Engineering Curricula to NGSS: an Analysis of TeachEngineering-NGSS Alignments, in ASEE 2015 Annual Conference, 2015.
M. Barnhart and Ratchford, M., Rethinking Readiness: Development and Validation of a Reduced Form of the Technology Readiness Index, in Proceedings of the American Marketing Association Winter Conference 2007, 2007.
A. Huff, Wilner, S. J. S., and Humphreys, A., The Role of Retailers in Market Legitimation: An Examination of the Regulated Cannabis Market in Ontario, Canada, in 2022 Marketing & Public Policy Conference - American Marketing Association, 2022.
A. Washington, Roberts, N., and Thatcher, J., The Semantics of Social Media: The Spread of Occupy Protests, presented at the 2012, 2012.
B. Marshall, Reitsma, R., and Cyr, M. N., Semantics or Standards for Curriculum Search?, in Proceedings of the 7th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 181-182, New York, NY, 2007.
V. Arora and Khazanchi, D., Sense of Virtual Place (SOVP): Conceptual Exploration and Initial Empirical Validation, in AMCIS2017 - Boston, MA, August 10-12, 2017, Boston, MA, 2017.
V. Gerasymenko and Eggers, J. P., Shifting focus: sources of managerial attention to new activities in the venture capital industry, in Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, 2014.
T. Kaskela and Song, J., Social Media Response Based Upon Media Richness, in America's Conference on Information System, New Orleans, LA, 2018.
T. Kaskela and Song, J., Social Media Responses Based Upon Frames and Symbol Sets, in 17th Annual Pre-ICIS Workshop on HCI Research in MIS, San Francisco, CA, 2018.
K. Malkewitz and Ketcham, N., Sports Logos Life Cycles, presented at the 2020, 2020.
K. Malkewitz and Ketcham, N., Sports Logos Life Cycles, presented at the 2019, 2019.
A. Joshi, Nerkar, A., and Mallapragada, G., Stocking the Patent Pool: What Do Firms Offer for Licensing and Why?, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2012.
C. K. Tyran, Raja, V. T., and Tyran, K. L., Supporting Student Collaboration for Online Learning: The Impact of Two Instructional Interventions, in Association for Information Systems - Special Interest Group - Education (AIS - SIG - Ed) - 2021, 2022.
K. Malkewitz, Swooshes, Vectors, and Stripes: How the Design and Visual Fluency of Sport Firms’ Logos influence Communication Efficacy, presented at the 2009, 2009.
A. Watson, Symbiotic Fashion and Emergent Identity: A Theoretical Model, in University of Southern Denmark, Odense, 2018, p. 50.
R. Reitsma, Zarske, M., Sullivan, J., Klenk, P., Forbes, M., and Carlson, D., The TeachEngineering Digital Library: Improving Access to the P-12 Engineering Conversation, in Proceedings 2nd P-12 Engineering and Design Education Research Summit, 2012.
F. Veltri, Scofield, A., and Black, C., Teaching Principles of Marketing: Student group projects from A to Z., in Marketing Educators Association, Denver, CO, 2016.
A. Huff, Barnhart, M., and Burkhardt, B., Tensions and Dynamics in the (De)Legitimation of the American Consumer Firearms Market, in Association for Consumer Research 2021 Conference (North America), Duluth, MN, 2021.
J. Rose and Rose, A., Is There Really a Slippery Slope to Fraud?, presented at the 2016, 2016.
I. Milosevic, Paterson, T., and A Bass, E., Thriving under Pressure: An Exploration of Research Productivity in Business Ph.D. Programs, in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2014.
H. Pesch, Towards an understanding of the dynamics of fraud in organizations using an agent-based model, presented at the 2010, University of Illinois Symposium on Audit Research, 2010.
N. Roberts, Thatcher, J., and Klein, R., Tying Context to Post-Adoption Behavior Within Information Technology: A Conceptual and Operational Definition of Mindfulness, presented at the 2007, 2007.
B. Zhu and Chau, M., Understanding Awareness Diffusion at Twitter.com, in Proceedings of the Sixteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, Lima, Peru, August 12th-15th 2010, 2010.
B. Zhu and Yang, C., Understanding How Product Information Traverses Across Online Communities, in Proceedings of Third China Workshop on Information Management 2009, Guangzhou, China, 2009.
B. Marshall, Reitsma, R., and Samson, C., Unraveling K-12 Standard Alignment; Report on a New Attempt, in Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, 2016.
B. Marshall and Chen, H., Using Importance Flooding to Identify Interesting Networks of Criminal Activity, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI-2006), IEEE, San Diego, CA, 2006.
N. Roberts, Thatcher, J., and Klein, R., Using Information Technology Mindfully, presented at the 2007, 2007.
B. Marshall, Quiñones, K., Su, H., Eggers, S., and Chen, H., Visualizing Aggregated Biological Pathway Relations, in Proceedings of the 2005 Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries (JCDL 2005), June 7-11, 2005 , Denver, CO, 2005.
B. Marshall, Mortenson, K., Bourne, A., Price, K., and Marshall, A., Visualizing basic accounting flows: does XBRL + model + animation = understanding?, in American Accounting Association 18th Annual Strategic and Emerging Technologies Research Workshop, New York, NY, 2009.
G. Shankaranarayanan and Zhu, B., Visualizing Data Quality Metadata for Decision Support: A Prototype and Evaluation, in Proceedings of the Fifteenth Americas Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, California, 2009.
