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F. McKee Ryan, Srivastava, A., Blakely, G. L., and Andrews, M. C., U.S.—China comparative study on pathways to managing stress, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL, 2004.
F. McKee Ryan and Kinicki, A. J., The life facet impact of job loss, Job loss and reemployment research: Critical new directions. Symposium conducted at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA, 2001.
F. McKee Ryan, Wu, B., and Kinicki, A. J., Life-facet coping with job loss: Development and validation of a new scale, Academy of Management Annual Meeting, (Research Methods Division). New Orleans, LA, 2004.
F. McKee Ryan, Song, Z., Wanberg, C. R., and Kinicki, A. J., Psychological and physical well-being during unemployment: A meta-analytic study, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 90, no. 1, pp. 53-76, 2005.
F. McKee Ryan, Srivastava, A., Blakely, G. L., and Andrews, M. C., The role of work locus of control and supportive co-workers on active coping and well-being in Chinese managers, Individuals within the collective: Psychological perspectives on work in China. Symposium conducted at the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Annual Meeting. Orlando, FL, 2003.
F. McKee Ryan, Song, Z., Wanberg, C. R., and Kinicki, A. J., Psychological and physical well-being during unemployment: A meta-analytic study, Job loss, employee well-being, and reemployment research: Critical new directions. Symposium conducted at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, 2003.
F. McKee Ryan, Examining the life facet impact of involuntary job loss, Job loss, employee well-being, and reemployment research: Critical new directions. Symposium conducted at the Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, 2003.
N. Rothman, Pratt, M., Rees, L., and Vogus, T., Understanding the dual nature of ambivalence: Why and when ambivalence leads to good and bad outcomes, Academy of Management Annals, vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 1-40, 2017.
J. C. Rode, Arthaud-Day, M. L., Ramaswami, A., and Howes, S., A time-lagged study of emotional intelligence and salary, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 101, pp. 77-89, 2017.
J. C. Rode, Arthaud-Day, M. L., Ramaswami, A., and Howes, S., A longitudinal study of emotional intelligence and mid-career success, presented at the 2016, 2016.
J. Rode, Arthaud-Day, M., Ramaswami, A., and Howes, S., A longitudinal study of emotional intelligence and mid-career success, Annual meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
S. E. Riforgiate, Howes, S., and Simmons, M. J., The Impact of Daily Emotional Labor on Health and Well-Being, Management Communication Quarterly, vol. 36, pp. 391-417, 2021.
S. Reynolds, Leavitt, K., and Decelles, K., Automatic Ethics: The Effects of Implicit Assumptions and Contextual Cues on Moral Behavior, Academy of Management Annual Meeting. Anaheim, CA, 2008.
S. J. Reynolds, Leavitt, K., and Decelles, K., Automatic ethics: The effects of implicit assumptions and contextual cues on moral behavior, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 95, pp. 752-760, 2010.
S. Reynolds, Dang, C. T., Yam, K. C., and Leavitt, K., The role of moral knowledge in everyday immorality: What does it matter if I know what is right?, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, vol. 123, pp. 124-137, 2014.
L. Rees and Kopleman, S., Logics and logistics for future research: Appropriately interpreting the emotional landscape of multi-cultural negotiation, Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 131-145, 2019.
L. Rees, Emotions and emotion training in the workplace. 2020.
L. Rees, Safi, R., and Lim, S. - L., How much will you share? Exploring attitudinal and behavioral nudges in online private information sharing, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2022.
L. Rees, Friedman, R., Oelkalns, M., and Lachowicz, M., Limiting fear and anger responses to anger expressions, International Journal of Conflict Management, vol. 31, no. 4, pp. 581-605, 2020.
L. Rees, Chi, S., Friedman, R., and Shih, H., Anger as a trigger for information search in integrative negotiations, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 105, no. 7, pp. 713-731, 2020.
L. Rees, How to calmly navigate personal interactions during COVID-19, 2020.
L. Rees, ? Featured in radio interview with Tina Dacin, Laura Rees, & host David Moses for ELMNT FM Radio in Toronto/Ottawa. 2020.
L. Rees, Featured in radio interview with Tina Dacin, Laura Rees, & host David Moses for ELMNT FM Radio in Toronto/Ottawa. 2020.
L. Rees, Emotions, emotional intelligence, and ambivalence in the workplace. 2020.
L. Rees, Rothman, N., Lehavy, R., and Sanchez-Burks, J., The ambivalent mind can be a wise mind: Emotional ambivalence increases judgment accuracy., Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 49, no. 3, pp. 360-367, 2013.
T. Randøy and Dibrell, C., How and why Norwegian MNCs commit resources abroad: Beyond choice of entry mode, Management International Review, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 119-140, 2002.
T. Randoy, Dibrell, C., and Craig, J., Founding family influence and the moderating effects of product market competition on firm performance: Implications for corporate governance, Small Business Economics, vol. 20, pp. 335-344, 2008.
R. D. Pritchard, Howes, S., Malm, K., and Agrell, A., Improving performance in a Swedish police traffic unit: Results of an intervention, Journal of Criminal Justice, vol. 37, pp. 85-97, 2009.
R. D. Pritchard, Howes, S., Philo, J. R., and McMonagle, D. C., Priority information in performance feedback., Human Performance, vol. 20, pp. 61-83, 2007.
T. L. Pett and Dibrell, C., A process model of global strategic alliance formation, Business Process Management Journal, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 349-364, 2001.
R. L. Peterson, Dibrell, C., and Pett, T. L., Long- vs. short-term performance perspectives of Western European, Japanese, and U.S. countries: where do they lie?, Journal of World Business, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 245-255, 2002.
R. L. Peterson and Dibrell, C., Consumers and technology: Are we creating relationships or distance?, Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 31-46, 2003.
S. C. Payne, Howes, S., and Beaubien, J. M., A meta-analytic examination of the goal orientation nomological net, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 92, pp. 128-150, 2007.
S. C. Payne, Howes, S., and Watrous, K. M., Portrayals of F. W. Taylor across textbooks, Journal of Management History, vol. 12, pp. 385-407, 2006.
S. C. Payne, Howes, S., Boswell, W. R., and Barger, E. J., Newcomer psychological contracts and employee socialization activities: Does perceived balance in obligations matter?, Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 73, pp. 465-472, 2008.
S. C. Payne, Howes, S., Lopez, Y. P., Boswell, W. R., and Barger, E. J., Contract breach as a trigger for adjustment to the psychological contract during the first year of employment, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, vol. 88, pp. 41-60, 2015.
T. Paterson, Licensed to be Deviant or Burdened to be A Good Citizen: A Dual Path Model of the Consequences of Ethical Voice, Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA, 2021.
T. Paterson, The Social Expectation to Be Ethical: A Role Definition Perspective of Ethical Leadership and Unethical Behavior, International Conference on Social Dilemmas. Taormina, Sicily, 2017.
T. Paterson, Harms, P. D., and A Bass, E., Beyond Relevance and towards Usefulness: Implications of Academic Perspective Taking, British Journal of Management.
T. Paterson, Milosevic, I., A Bass, E., and Luthans, F., Innovating for Success in Ph.D. Programs: The Role of Psychological Resources and Proactive Behaviors, Southern Management Association. New Orleans, LA, 2013.
T. Paterson, Luthans, F., and Jeung, W., Thriving at Work: Impact of Psychological Capital and Supervisor Support, Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2014.
T. Paterson, Specht, D., and Duchon, D., It Touches Everything: The Role of Religion in Family Business, Midwest Academy of Management. Chicago, IL, 2012.
T. Paterson, Huang, L., and Li, X., Aspiring to be an Entrepreneur while on Paid Employment: A Moderated Mediation Model of Entrepreneur Identity Aspiration, Journal of Business Research, vol. 161, 2023.
T. Paterson, Harms, P. D., Tuggle, C., and Luthans, F., The 3 R’s of Management Research: Do Rigor and Relevance Lead to References?, Academy of Management. Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2015.
