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C. Murphy, Klotz, A., and Kreiner, G., Blue skies and black boxes: The promise (and practice) of grounded theory in human resource management research, Human Resource Management Review, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 291-305, 2017.
C. Murphy, Klotz, A., and Kreiner, G., Blue skies and black boxes: The promise (and practice) of grounded theory in human resource management research, Human Resource Management Review, vol. 27, no. 2, pp. 291-305, 2017.
J. Beatty, IV, O. Holmes, Atewologun, D., Baldridge, D., Blancero, D., King, E., Kravitz, D., McKay, P., Ng, E., Nishi, L., Ragins, B., and Wood, G., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
J. Beatty, IV, O. Holmes, Atewologun, D., Baldridge, D., Blancero, D., King, E., Kravitz, D., McKay, P., Ng, E., Nishi, L., Ragins, B., and Wood, G., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
D. Creed, Karam, C., Baldridge, D., AbelNour, S., Hudson, B., and Henry, E., Building GDO community through storytelling, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., Career Adaptation and Success after Adult Onset Hearing Loss, 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Atlanta GA, 2017.
Y. Lee, Lee, S., and Kim, J., A Case Study of Intergenerational Center for Senior based on the Spatial Characteristics, The 2017 International Conference on East Asian Architecture and City. Jeju, Korea, 2017.
D. Baldridge, Konrad, A., Moore, M., and Yang, Y., Childhood-onset disability, strong ties and employment quality, Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 2017.
A. H. Huffman, Craddock, E. B., Howes, S., and Klinefelter, Z., Decision-making and exchange processes of dual-military couples: A review and suggested strategies for navigating multiple roles, Military Psychology, vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 11-26, 2017.
S. Bina, Graue, W., Jones, D., Kaskela, T., and Walden, E., Discovery of the Optimal Visualization for Representing Three Dimensions of Data Using Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in International Conference on Information Systems, Seoul, 2017.
J. Kalodimos, Disruption in Health Care Markets. 2017.
A. T. Jackson, Howes, S., Kriegh, J. L., Kausel, E. E., and Campos, N. R., Does goal orientation an outcome certainty predict escalation of commitment?, 18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Dublin, Ireland, 2017.
A. T. Jackson, Howes, S., Kriegh, J. L., Kausel, E. E., and Campos, N. R., Does goal orientation an outcome certainty predict escalation of commitment?, 18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Dublin, Ireland, 2017.
T. - Y. Tung, Koenig, H., and Chen, H. - L., Effects of Green Self-Identity and Cognitive and Affective Involvement on Patronage Intention in Eco-Friendly Apparel Consumption: A Gender Comparison, Sustainability, vol. 9, 2017.
T. - Y. Tung, Koenig, H., and Chen, H. - L., Effects pf Green Self-Identity and Gender Influences on Consumers' Involvement and Patronage Intention in Eco-Apparel Consumption, in Association for Consumer Research, San Diego, California, 2017.
Y. Kim, An Empirical Investigation of Transaction Dynamics in Online Surplus Networks: a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective, 22nd Asia Pacific Decision Sciences Institute Conference. Seoul, South Korea, 2017.
I. Scott, Baker, S., Craig, R. Kundis, Dernbach, J., Hirokawa, K., Krakoff, S., Owley, J., Powers, M., Roesler, S., Rosenbloom, J., Ruhl, J. B., Salzman, J., and Takacs, D., Energy Policy: No Place for Zero-Sum Thinking, Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 47, no. 4, pp. 10328-10351, 2017.
M. Hoehn-Weiss, Karim, S., and Lee, C. - H., Examining alliance portfolios beyond the dyads: The relevance of redundancy and non-uniformity across and between partners, Organization Science, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 56-73, 2017.
G. Lu and Koufteros, X., Food supply chain safety and security: A concern of global importance, Journal of Marketing Channels, vol. 24, no. 3-4, pp. 111-114, 2017.
K. Chi Yam, Klotz, A., He, W., and Reynolds, S., From good soldiers to psychologically entitled: Examining when and why citizenship behavior leads to deviance, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 60, no. 1, pp. 373-396, 2017.
S. Yul Cho and Kim, S. Kyun, Horizon Problem and Firm Innovation: The Influence of CEO Career Horizon, Exploitation and Exploration on Breakthrough Innovations, Research Policy, vol. 46, pp. 1801-1809, 2017.
M. Bolino and Klotz, A., How to motivate employees to go beyond their jobs. 2017.
A. T. Jackson, Howes, S., Kausel, E. E., and Young, M. E., The impact of escalation decisions on investments, anger, and confidence over time, 18th Congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Dublin, Ireland, 2017.
J. Kalodimos, Internal Governance and Performance: Evidence From When External Discipline is Weak, Journal of Corporate Finance, vol. 43, pp. 193-216, 2017.
M. Curry, Marshall, B., and Kawalek, P., A Normative Model for Assessing SME IT Effectiveness, Communications of the IIMA, vol. 15, no. 1, 2017.
R. Reynolds-McIlnay, Mayor, L., Keech, J., and Morrin, M., Positive Consumer Sensory Experiences During Economically Uncertain and Technology-Dependent Times, Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA), Division 23, Society for Consumer Psychology. Washington, D.C., 2017.
S. Keen and Roberts, N., Preliminary Evidence for the Use and Efficacy of Mobile Health Applications in Managing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms, 2017.
J. Kalodimos, Bhandari, T., and Iliev, P., Progress in Understanding Proxy Access and the Shareholder Proposal Process. 2017.
J. L. Kriegh, Jackson, A. T., N Campos, R., Thiele, A., Nguyen, T., Dederer, R., McNamara, D., Howes, S., and Kausel, E. E., The relationship between goal orientation and escalation of commitment, Annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
J. L. Kriegh, Jackson, A. T., N Campos, R., Thiele, A., Nguyen, T., Dederer, R., McNamara, D., Howes, S., and Kausel, E. E., The relationship between goal orientation and escalation of commitment, Annual meeting of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making. Vancouver, Canada, 2017.
V. Arora and Khazanchi, D., Sense of Virtual Place (SOVP): Conceptual Exploration and Initial Empirical Validation, in AMCIS2017 - Boston, MA, August 10-12, 2017, Boston, MA, 2017.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., The Shaping of Sustainable Careers Post Hearing Loss, Human Relations, 2017.
D. Baldridge and Kulkarni, M., THE SHAPING OF SUSTAINABLE CAREERS POST HEARING LOSS, Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Orlando FL, 2017.
J. Kalodimos and Lundberg, C., Shareholder Rights in Mergers and Acquisitions: Are Appraisal Rights Being Abused?, Finance Research Letters, 2017.
Y. Kim, Structural Redundancy for Managing Supply Chain Disruption Risks: An Empirically Informed Investigation of Real-World Multi-Echelon Supply Networks, 48th Annual Meeting of the Decision Sciences Institute. Washington D.C., USA, 2017.
G. Lu, Koufteros, X., and Lucianetti, L., Supply Chain Security: A Classification of Practices and An Empirical Study of Differential Effects and Complementarity, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 234-248, 2017.
E. Djurdjevic, Stoverink, A., Klotz, A., Koopman, J., Veiga, S. Pires da M., Yam, K. Chi, and Chiang, J., Workplace status: The development and validation of a scale, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 102, no. 7, pp. 1124-1147, 2017.
E. Djurdjevic, Stoverink, A., Klotz, A., Koopman, J., Veiga, S. Pires da M., Yam, K. Chi, and Chiang, J., Workplace status: The development and validation of a scale, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 102, no. 7, pp. 1124-1147, 2017.
A. Klotz and Bolino, M. C., 7 ways people quit their jobs. 2016.
N. King and Forder, J., Data Analytics and Consumer Profiling: Finding Appropriate Privacy Principles for Discovered Data, Computer Law and Security Review, vol. 32, pp. 696-714, 2016.
T. Carroll, Karim, S., and Long, C. P., Delaying Change: Examining How Industry and Managerial Turbulence Impact Structural Realignment, Academy of Management Journal, vol. 59, no. 3, pp. 791-817, 2016.
E. E. Kausel, Howes, S., Spratt, J., and Jackson, A. T., Emotions and the appraisal-tendency framework: Anger, sadness, and fairness judgments, Annual meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Anaheim, CA, 2016.
Y. Kim, An Empirical Investigation of Transaction Dynamics in Online Surplus Networks: a Complex Adaptive Systems Perspective, Production and Operations Management Society (POMS). Orlando, FL, 2016.
S. Lee and Kang, M., Environment-friendly Interior Materials and Products, Design Principles & Practice: An International Journal, vol. 9, pp. 25-37, 2016.
D. Khazanchi and Arora, V., Evaluating IT Integration Risk Prior to Mergers and Acquisitions, ISACA Journal, vol. 1, 2016.
J. Kalodimos, A Gadfly's Perspective. 2016.
A. H. Huffman, Olson, K. J., Klinefelter, Z., Irving, L. H., and Howes, S., Gender and turnover intentions: Why do women quit work?, Annual meeting of the American Psychological Association. Denver, CO, 2016.
